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I fall asleep tangled in Loki's long legs, pressed against his warm, sturdy chest. We doze for a short while, wrapped together in twisted sheets, having succumbed to that blissful, post-orgasmic sleepiness.

But his sleepiness doesn't last.

I'm awoken some time later by certain wandering hands, touching me intimately. His intentions for rousing me from my slumber need no explanation.
The man is insatiable, but I'm not complaining.
I'm also no longer in possession of my right mind.
It's as if he's clubbed me over the head with desire, and I'm not just a slave to him, I'm a slave to my own carnal needs.

Too much of him could never be enough.

Enthralled by primal instincts, I lose myself in his sexual energy. His beauty. His raw lust. His ardent passion.
My body is no longer heavy with sleep, but fully alert now and aroused, as he carefully traces the outline of my body with the tips of his fingers, slowly gliding down over the curve of my hip, and I let out a little moan of appreciation.
Encouraged, he reaches to grasp my buttocks, pulling me flush to him, so now we're even closer.

"Tell me your name." He commands, but the rich, velvety texture of his voice caresses my senses, and I'm no longer adverse to him knowing it.

"(Y/N), master."

"(Y/N)" He echoes, and I must confess that hearing him say it gives me a delighted little thrill.

I gaze at him dreamily.
Oh god, please don't let this be happening to me.
I think I'm falling.

He smiles at me slowly, wickedly. "The effect you have on me is quite startling, my little pet. You ought to know that never before have I been so enamoured by the treasure that lies between a wench's legs."

As if to emphasise his point, he slowly and deliberately begins moving against me, and I stifle a gasp, feeling his erect cock pressing into my belly.

Unable to resist, I return the favour by exploring every contour of his solid torso, taking my time to familiarise myself with every glorious detail.
Each defined muscle and texture is fascinating and beautiful to me.

By the time I slide my hand down between our bodies, gently cupping and rolling his balls in my palm -- caressing them carefully -- he's as hard as steel.
The swollen head of his penis pulses in my fist, leaking a small amount of pre-cum onto my fingers.

Inflamed with passion, he drags my quivering body down the mattress, positioning me before him on all fours, and I gladly yield to his desires.
There's no time to feel self conscious or vulnerable beneath the heat of his heavy gaze, as he kneels behind me on the bed, claiming my hips in a possessive, painful grip.

I'm already wet with need, so he wastes no time in mounting me, and I whimper as a result of the overwhelming pleasure, as well as the pain, as he enters me like a stallion in heat.

An anguished cry leaves my dry lips, as he begins riding me with  renewed, unbridled enthusiasm, and this new position -- the angle of my up-turned ass -- enables him to make the absolute most of my body.
Every single movement is accentuated, feeling even deeper than before. The sharp thrusts of his long, thick shaft send hot sparks of euphoria to each nerve ending, and I greedily push back in an attempt to match his rhythm.

"Oh, I...aah...Lo...." I keen, struggling to form words. My speech is hampered by the moans he's eliciting from me. "L....Loki...oh...y-you're.... mmmm."

"I'm sorry, (Y/N), I didn't quite catch that." He croons, and I can hear the audible smirk in his voice.

"You're....amazing!" I wail, my tone irregular as a result of him moving faster, pumping himself in and out of me with steadily increasing force.

Call Me Your Master (Loki x Reader Erotica)Where stories live. Discover now