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During the journey, I decide I can't just lay in the trunk and do absolutely nothing, so I unsuccessfully attempt to kick out the rear light nearest my feet, but to no avail.
I had hoped that if I could at least attract the attention of any drivers travelling behind the SUV, then they could alert the authorities. Because the more I think about it, the more concerned I am that my presence isn't going to be missed until it's far too late.

But now I'm forced to resign myself to whatever fate awaits me. And I lay helpless and exhausted, having exerted so much energy, and it was all in vain.

Finally, I feel the vehicle shudder to a stop.
I raise my head as much as I can, and strain my ears to listen, but it's eerily quiet outside.
I contemplate screaming, but will there be anyone around to hear my calls for help?
And what if this only serves to anger the person, or persons, who have kidnapped me?

Nothing could have prepared me for a moment like this.
You think you have some vague notion of what you might do, if you find yourself in this sort of situation, but in reality, I'm at a loss.
I don't want to go down without a fight, obviously.
But at the same time, fighting may lead to my demise.

Just then, I hear the drivers door open, and feel the vibration as it's slammed closed a few seconds later.
The sound of boots crunching on gravel reaches my ears, followed by a loud click, and the trunk is wrenched open.

I'm temporarily blinded by torchlight, as one of my kidnappers shines a beam directly into my face. I blink rapidly as I'm pulled out, but my eyes have barely recovered, when a dark, cloth bag is placed over my head,

I let out a startled shriek, and flail around wildly, but my arms are quickly restrained. Once my wrists are hastily bound by what feels like rope, I'm then shoved violently forwards.
I wail pitifully, as I stumble and fall. The small, jagged stones digging into my knees.

I hear one of the men laugh, but then the other speaks, in a gruff, German accent.
"Best not to do that. His orders were she was not to be harmed."

"W-whose orders?" I manage to choke out, as two sets of hands drag me to my feet.
"Who are you talking about?"

Needless to say, neither of them answer me. And now I have no choice other than to be blindly led across some uneven ground, which is bumpy underfoot.
I try to make a mental note of each detail....
The large expanse of grassland we cross, which gives way to what must be a path.
There's no noise. No passing traffic, no dogs we're clearly in a remote location.
As we reach the end of the path, I'm guided down some wide, concrete steps, then I'm made to wait at the bottom, for what sounds like a large, heavy steel door to be opened.

Am I being taken to some sort of underground bunker?
A secret base of some description?

Once inside, I'm steered down a corridor. The floor is slightly slippery, and our footsteps seem to bounce off the walls, which makes me think that it's tiled.
I hear several hushed voices as I pass by, but each of them are speaking in German, and I silently curse myself for having taken French at school

We come to a halt, and another door is opened, but this time I'm forcibly pushed into the room. I stagger a little but somehow manage to keep my balance, as the door slams shut behind me, followed by the distinctive sound of several bolts being clunked into place.

I'm trapped here.
And I still have the bag over my head.
With my hands tied behind me, I can't feel for the door, but I manage to find it with my feet, and kick on it as hard as I can.
It's made of metal too, and it hurts my toes, but in my desperation I don't care.

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