Shopping and Stars

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Ross's POV

Kayla is super cool. She's an amazing little sis. I think that we will get along very easily , she even said that im not that  bad in driving . HA,HA At least she thinks im good . When we arived at the house that were staying at we saw "him" sitting on the couch. I looked over to see a nervous look on Kayla's face. This is not going to be good.

Jake- well, well, well look who we have here.

Kayla-what do you want Jake

Jake-(sigh) I just want to say sorry

Kayla- I can't believe you think im going to forgive you now , after what you did im never going to forgive you.

Jake- (started making a show) NOOOOOO please oh please forgive

Ross- oh no here we go {-see what I did there -}

I just realized I said one line of (I can't) Forget About You.

Wow. I actually didn't have to wait like 3 seconds for Rocky and Ratliff running in and busting Jakes Show.

Rocky and Ratliff - ( come runing from the kitchen ) hear your voice on the radio , like every single song is about Youuuuu...

Jake - oh shut up

R and R - every st-...

Riker  and Rydel -  What's going on

Ross- oh Delly good that you're here ... can you please take Kayla shoping and were gonna pack for here cuz she doesn't want to be home with ... him (I point to Jake)

Rydel - yeah sure ... come on Kay( said all happy and giggly)

Ratliff'- uh, uh, can I come too PWEASE (said like a happy 2 year old)

Kayla - yeah sure

Ratliff - yay let's go

-4 hours later-

Kayla's POV.

I am officially exhausted. We've been shopping for the past 4 hours and im pretty sure Ell can't feel his legs. I know that we where suppose to stay out of the house and go shopping but I mean we could've like sat down for a while and relax , but the only break that we got was a 5 min rest for Starbucks. We are on our way home right now and im sooooo glad that we took the car.We walked into the house and got greated by a group of 4 boys.

Boys - hey guys

Girls - hey

Ratliff-( holding tons of bags ) umm uh hey can you help me ( falls on his  back)

Boys- oh right (goes helps Ratliff)

Ratliff- yeah thanks(sarcasm)

Rocky - aww your welcome man( hugged Ratliff)

Ratliff- um Rocky you do realize that was ... ah never mind

Stormie - oh hi gurls and Ell , haha, your back . I thought that a bear ate you I mean come on you were gone for 4 hours

Kayla - haha no we're ok

Rydel - Ell isn't.

Kayla- well ya exept Ell cuz he had to carry our bags

Ratliff- I cant feel my arms. :(

Rydel - oh man up

Ratliff- okay im gonna go call Kelly now. ( ran upstairs)

Rydel- (mumbles) of course :(

You see the is one tiny thing that I forgot to mention,  Ratliff is dating Kelly agian , :( and Rydel's taking it really bad . Like REALLY , but she doesn't show it that much.

Mark - Hey gurls , your back I thought that bears ate you !!!

Ross- why bears they were shoping not hiking.

Mark- well anyways have you guys heard that yosay there are going to be falling stars .

Kayla - oh cool

Ross- yeah we can make a bonfire , like take blankets and food and other stuff and watch them

Rydel- yeah that would be soo cool

Stormie - okay then lets go set up

~ After setting up~

We just layed the last blanket as momma Storms made us some hot chocolate and smors.They were delicious.  When we finished eating the stars started falling.

Mark - oh guys quick make a wish.

-Their Wishes-

Rydel- I hope Ratliff will fall in love with me

Ross- I wish Laura will break up with Parker and come running to me.

Riker - I wish Vanessa would notice me as more then a friend

Rocky - I wish me an Alexa ( his girlfriend) can start a family soon

Ryland- I wish Savannah( his girlfriend) was here so we could cuddle up.

Ratliff - I wish I knew why Rydel is so sad when I mention Kelly

Kayla- Uh... I wish I can start my life again with these amazing people.

Hiya sorry I haven't updated a lot but I promise I wil uptade the next chapter soon .  Anyways what did you think about the wishes . What was your fav wish ? Let me know in the comments. And really Ross what a wish but seriously is Ratliff blins or something like HELLO She likesyou thats why you idiot.  haha okay enough I gotta go eat bye my lovies- Kayla♥♥

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