School stuff and Suprises

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Kayla 's Pov.

As i got to school i went too my locker to get my books for the next class. I was about too head too class when somebody stoped me ... it was Jake ... omg omg keep calm keep calm. I turned around faceing him when he gave me one of those famous smiles that any girl can melt from. I was about too say something about his arm still houlding me but before i could of even open my mouth he... he... huged me ???

( Kayla - K Jake - J )

K - umm why are you huging me ???

J - I just found out im soooo sorry for you!( he said still not letting go)

K - ummm but what happend and why are you sorry for me ????

J - sooo you dont know ?!?!?! ( he said finally letting go )

K - Know what ?

J - that your , your ...

K - my what

J - that your umm ... parents died :(

K - wh-what ???

J - im soooooo sorry for you  :(

K - what no thats inposible they where just fine today morning. ( i said on the verge of tears )

J - im sorry but when they where driving too work some idiot went driving strait in them and they died on place.

K - b-b-but whats gonna happen with me now ????? ( i say crying my eyes out )

J - my mom said that your aunt is gonna come for you and your gonna go to Cali or somewhere close their

K - but probably shes gonna come in a few days where am i suppost too stay now ? ( my head was starting too hurt because all of this sobbing )

J - awww come here ( he said huging me really hard ) dont cry now its okay.

You see thats why i dont want too mess up our friend ship. we know eachother since birth ... literly we were born in the same hospital same month same year even we where in the same room tho he was born one day before me . you see my mom always talked about how cute we where and how we allways played with each other . Now you know why i dont want to mess up this perfect 14 year old friendship. Im serious it is perfect ... we never EVER got in too a fight not even about little things .

As i was thinking he snaped me out of it by the words i would never expect to here Ever.

J - wait you can stay with us !!! ( he said looking strait in to my eyes )

K - Really ?!?!?!

J - yeah i mean we are best friends and we know each other since birth soo why not

K - wait but what about your mom ??

J - are you kidding me your like a daughter too her she loves you as much as she loves me she would be even happy if you stayed.

K - i-i guess i dont have any more opptions soo sure ill stay with you

J - yes !! ( he shouted as he picked me up and spun me around )

Juliet - OMG maya look they are finally together

and thats when we fell apart ... wow thanks julia !!!!

Maya - omg i have got too know all the deets

K - hahahaha guys theirs nothing gonig on between us he was just cheering me up okay ??

M and Ju - oh okay

M - oh and by the way im soooo sorry

Ju - yeah its soooooo sad

Life with The LynchesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin