Chapter Six: An Unforgettable Day

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A few days had past, Fluttershy was still thinking about when she should break the news to Mary. She also wondered that if she told Rainbow how she felt then she would just think it was a joke or figure out that she didn't like her back. Fluttershy's mind was spinning with thoughts and she didn't even realize Rainbow Dash walking up to her.

"Flutters? Are you okay"
Fluttershy jumped in surprise
"Huh?! Oh I'm alright" Fluttershy blushed in embarrassment
Rainbow Dash chuckled "Anyway I was wondering if you wanted to go to Cloudsdalle with me?
Fluttershy smiled "Of course I'd love to go, I haven't been there in awhile"
"Okay follow me!" Rainbow Dash flew up and starts flying at an easy pace for Fluttershy to keep up. Fluttershy flew and followed her. They then arrive at Cloudsdalle, Fluttershy looked around happily.
"Wow! It's still how it was when I was a filly!"
"Yeah what else would it be? A forest?" Rainbow Dash teased. Fluttershy giggled.
"Shut up!" Rainbow Dash chuckled
"Anyways wanna go explore Flutters?"
"Of course!" Fluttershy grinned

Rainbow Dash showed her around, they walked inside the factory's, they played games, they ate food, they went to the Cloudsdalles shops. Fluttershy has a great time with her best friend and Rainbow Dash did too.

After a few hours they both sat on a cloud together watching the sunset. The sky was pink and orange, with the sun shining as it was setting down. It was a beautiful sight.

"It's so beautiful and peaceful"
"Yeah, it looks amazing" Rainbow Dash looked over at Fluttershy while the light was gleaming on her coat. Fluttershy looked delighted and joyful. Fluttershy then turned to face Rainbow Dash with her bright green eyes sparkling as she met her Darkish pink eyes that shined with satisfaction.
"You look beautiful in this sunset Flutters" Fluttershy blushed shyly
"T-Thank you Rainbow.." Rainbow Dash leaned in, Fluttershy knew what was coming and she instantly felt hot. Suddenly a loud yell came from below them. Rainbow Dash looked down and saw Mary calling Fluttershy's name
Fluttershy sighed "It's Mary, I'm sorry I have to go Rainbow Dash."
"With her?!"
"Yes with her, but thank you for everything Rainbow Dash. You really boosted up my self confidence"
"But, What if Mary hurts you like what she did before??" Rainbow Dash frowned. Fluttershy smiled warmly at her
"Don't worry about me I'll be fine"
"I have to get going, I'll see you later Dashie. And thank you again" Fluttershy flew down to Mary. They talked inaudible and walked away together. Rainbow Dash sat there looking at the sunset a big grin appeared on her face.
"She called me Dashie"

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