Chapter Eight

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This chapter is dedicated to the ever amazing and resilient writer @conleyswifey. Her stories rock my world when my world needs rocking. ;) She is a terrific writer and i never tire of her stories! LONG LIVE THE OUTLAW SERIES! (By far my favourite) hehe. Anyway just a thank you to her for brightening my day. 

 Edited By XxJemanixX

Chapter Eight 


John had returned to the carriage subdued and informed Emma that they would be slightly delayed as his men we’re working on removing the herd of cows that had taken up residence on the road. It seems the farmer could not handle them all at once whilst taking his cattle to the market. 


Their journey soon continued, but the uncomfortable silence remained still. Emma wrung her hands together and tapped her foot, the silence was indeed bothering her, whilst John sat as still as stone. He did not move a muscle as Emma fretted over what was causing his silence. She daren’t voice her worries. 


John was deep in thought and did not notice Emma’s agitated demeanour. 


The carriage came to a halt, albeit softly, Emma still jumped a little, but quickly sought composure. John finally stirred and Emma sucked in a breath in anticipation. He raised his eyes from the floor of the carriage to stare at her for what seemed like an age before he raised his hand and rapped on the roof. 


The footman immediately opened the door and bowed a deep bow. He then waited for John to descend before assisting Emma. 


They both stood outside and Emma inhaled the air sharply, loving the cold and stark feel of it in her throat. The clouds were few and the sun bore down on unfortunate travellers. The heat had barely risen as it was just morning as yet. 


She looked around in wonder at the village they had stopped in. It seemed they were in the main square, but it was hard to tell due to the dilapidated state of it. How on earth did this blatantly poor and broken village host a busy market? 


“How on Earth does a village like this have such a popular market?!” She voiced just the question she was thinking. 


John chuckled and winked at her knowingly without even attempting to answer her question. The square was quiet, unnaturally so. A few people meandered about with baskets at the ready, hung on their arms. Children ran in the alley’s playing with the shadows that seemed to cling everywhere damply. 


Emma shuddered. She couldn’t imagine living like this. Why it was simply horrid! These poor people did not deserve to live like this! She felt heart broken for the little children that were likely to be living in contraptions that shouldn’t even be called houses, with leaky roofs and hearths that didn’t serve their purpose. 


“Where is everyone?” 


John again, did not answer her, but instead began to walk. Emma had no choice, but to follow. Irritation laced her features and she glared at his back venomously. He never failed to aggravate her. 


He chuckled suddenly, “Do not stare at me so Miss Emma, I do believe I’ve warned you I might just burst into a thousand flames.” 

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