Kakashi's weird invention

354 14 18

Reader's POV

I watched the water flow in the river.

I can't believe what Sas- Duck-butt did yesterday... I slapped myself. Don't think about it! I said to myself.

I was waiting for the rest of the team to come. I wanted to come early for some reason. I didn't want to go with Naruto, because I wanted some lone time.

I heard a splash.

I flipped my head to the voice's direction. I stared at the water, and saw a figure under the water. Brown hair... Kiba?! In the water, next to him, was his dog Akamaru. I jumped up, i was afraid that they were in trouble.

"Kiba! Akamaru!" I shouted.

I was about to jump in the water, but then Kiba jumped out of the water and gasped for air. He noticed me and smiled widely. "[f/l]" he shouted.

I smiled relievedly (?). "Idiot, get in here!" i shouted and called him.

He swimmed to the bridge and jumped up. He landed next to me, Akamaru on his head. "What were you doing in there?", i asked.

"Oh, just training with Akamaru" he answered. I nodded.

Awkward silence.

"What about you?" he asked suddenly, breaking the silence.

"Uhm.. I..." I thinked for a while. Then i banged my head against the bridge. "What was i doing..?", i asked myself.

Kiba started laughing. I laughed too, feeling stupid. Then i tripped.

"Eh?" i said while flying across the air.

I heard a thump and i felt myself fall on something warm.

I opened my eyes and guess where i landed.

Right on top of Kiba.

"S-Sorry!" i stuttered and tried to get up.

At first Kiba's face was blank. Then it hit him and his face went bright red. He tried to say something but nothing came out.

I pulled myself up and helped him up too. Also my face was red and i tried to not look him in the eyes.

It's weird... I'm usually confident with boys, but as soon as it comes to physical contact or romantic stuff... Well this happens.

"S-sorry" I said once more. I saw that Kiba was just staring at me. "W-what is i-it?" I asked, panicking.

Kiba snapped from his trance. "O-oh it's nothing" he said smiling, still a shade of red on his face. "umm i should go now, my comrades are waiting" he said.

"O-okay, bye!" i said and smiled. Kiba was about to leave but then turned and pulled me into a hug. I was caged in his arms.

My heart propably skipped a beat. "Kibawhatareyoudoing?" i said. He didn't answer. Then he pulled away and just left, vanishing into the woods. I was bright red, just standing there.

What just happened? I scrached the back of my head. I closed my eyes and felt my heartbeat starting to slow down. Calm down, i told myself.

I held my eyes shut for 10 minutes, i felt like seconds.

Then i opened my eyes and almost pissed my pants. A pair of onyx eyes were staring right at me. "Duck-butt?" i said confused. Then i snapped. "DUCK-BUTT!!" I jumped and my face went back to bright red. He just stared at me. I backed up. He followed me.

I started to run away, he followed. I turned an u-turn and ran back. He was still following right behind me.

I ran in a big circle and he followed me. What the hell am I doing?, I sweat-dropped.

It must have been kinda funny-looking, since i heard Naruto's laugh. Naruto was rolling on the ground of the bridge and dying of laughter. Sakura was staring me with jealous eyes. I stopped, so did duck-butt. I glared at him. "Stop following me." i said and clenched my fist. He just stared at me with a blank face. I was ready to hit him right in the face.

Then Kakashi showed up and saved duck-butt's oh-so-handsome-NOT face.

"Hey, calm down." Kakashi said. I glared at Sasuke. He stared back. I gave up and sighed. I could see him smirking in the corner of my eye. Gawd i'm so confused.

Kakashi coughed to get our attention. He lifted his hand, he had two handcuffs in it. What the hell... I tought.

([A/N] HEY YOU PERVERTS THERE! Don't get too exited, this fanfic doesn't contain... that kind of stuff hehe)

"Today, you are going to be handcuffed together in groups of two. You have to do daily tasks and training while being tied together. This training will provide your teamwork. I will take the handcuffs of if you have to go to the bathroom or so." Kakashi explained. My jaw dropped wide, as well as Narutos and Sakura's. WE'RE GONNA DO WHAT?

"The pairings are Naruto & [f/n] and Sasuke & Sakura" he ended. Sasuke looked super-irritated, while i was happy as hell. Almost everyone except Sasuke were good with the pairings. Sakura seemed to be in heaven.

"Now then" -Kakashi lifted the handcuffs and smiled- "let's start."


Sorry if this part is weird i have a bit of fever ;-;

Sorry i haven't been uploading ;-;

Sorry for any grammar mistakes ;-;

Sorry that i keep saying sorry ;-;

Sorry i said it again ;-;

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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