I woke up to a grumbling stomach, as usual. I can't remember a time when I wasn't hungry. Groaning, I ran my hands through my hair and flung my legs over the side of my bed, standing up.
As I made my way down the hall, I heard knocking at the door of my flat. Who would bother coming here so early in the morning? The fans didn't know where I lived, so it must be one of the boys. Why would they even be up this early?
I glanced in a mirror as I passed it and smoothed down my bed hair, feeling a bit like Zayn. A quick search of the living room gave me a pair of trousers, which I pulled on. I looked over at the kitchen longingly; I was so starving. But food was going to have to wait until I opened the door for whoever was still pounding on it.
The lock clicked open and the door was flung wide before I even reached for the handle. Someone threw themselves into my arms, wrapping their arms around my waist and burying their head in my chest. I saw a flash of curls and shimmery emerald. Harry.
Why was he here, and especially so early? Harry should've been back at his and Lou's flat, but instead here he was, in my arms after loudly banging at my door. Something must have happened between him and Louis, the poor lad.
I reached around him to shut the door and gently lifted him from the ground. Harry was surprisingly light, and I was able to swiftly get him onto the living room couch. He was now full on sobbing, and I felt terrible because I didn't know what to do for him.
Obviously, there was a problem with Larry. Yes, they are together and they have been for... a year, today. Today is their one-year anniversary, how could I have forgotten? Did that have to do with why Harry was here?
The two had always had a thing for each other, and we all expected them to get together sooner or later. It was no big surprise when they came up to us one day and said they were dating and in love. The way they looked at each other, so full of care and lust, was unlike the way they'd ever looked at any other.
That was, until Louis met Eleanor.
Harry had actually been the one to introduce the two, I remembered. Louis had immediately been interested in seeing her again, and I knew they spent a lot of time together these days. Louis had gradually slipped out of love with Harry, and I didn't know if he realized it or not, but Harry had.
They'd been getting into frequent fights in the past few weeks since Harry first brought her up. Louis had asked what she had to do with anything, and Harry had accused him of spending more time with his new friend than his boyfriend. Of course, Louis got defensive and snapped at him. But he apologized the next day, and they were together again as always.
The fights had been getting more violent and I knew Harry wanted out of the situation but couldn't find it in himself to leave Louis. He knew deep down that Louis no longer loved him, but it hurt him, as he was still very much in love with the older lad. He wasn't willing to let go; he wanted to get Lou back in his arms.
Harry had been coming to me when they had a fight. He'd trusted me with every detail of his thoughts and feelings, which meant a lot to me. To twist up this sticky love situation even more, there's one more thing I forgot to mention.
I'm in love with Harry.
I never made a move on him or pressured him to be with me. I let him go and watched sadly as he chose Louis a year ago, but I tried my best to brush it off. I hid my feelings and eventually I'd believed I no longer loved him and was actually trying to be happy for Larry.
When the fights started and I saw Harry so broken, it made me furious. Louis had this amazing boy who would do anything for him, and he throws it away and wastes his love for a girl he barely just met? I always had to restrain myself and distract my anger by turning it into care for Harry when he was down.
That's how I realized the feelings never left; I just learned to ignore them. I was still madly in love with Harry Styles, and he was head over heels for his cheating boyfriend.
Now something must have happened to make it worse, because Harry had never showed up so desperate for comfort before.
"Harry?" I asked cautiously as his sobs began to die down.
He sniffled. "I just don't understand. I knew it was going to happen; I knew it was going to be soon. But why did he have to do it? Why, Niall? Doesn't he see what he's done to me? Or has he lost any cares he used to have? What happened to my Boobear from a year ago? He doesn't even remember that..." Tears were still running freely down his cheeks, but the shaking of his body and stopped.
I sat down beside him and pulled him into my lap. He curled into a ball with his arms around his knees and leaned on me while I rested my head on his shoulder.
"What happened, Harry?" His last rambling didn't make much sense to me.
"I woke up this morning excited because it was our anniversary. I thought maybe he'd remember how we felt and what we said a year ago on this day and realize that our arguments were stupid. I thought he'd see why I was jealous of Eleanor. But he wasn't in the bed. I went to the kitchen and made us both tea, his done just the way he likes it. B-but- w-when I g-got to his room-" He cut himself off with another sob.
"When you got to his room..." I prompted soothingly.
"I saw him in his bed with Eleanor curled up to his side. He woke up smelling the tea I'd made. He reached out a hand to ask for it, as if I wouldn't mind that he was in bed with someone else. I threw it on the ground, and he asked what that was for. I-I-I..." he drew in a shaky breath. "I told him we were through and he could just have Eleanor already if she's what he wants. I asked him how he could do this to me, especially today. And you know what he said, Ni? Know what he had the nerve to say?"
I hugged him tightly to prevent myself from jumping off this couch and beating Louis senseless. How could he do this, break this boy in front of me? How could he hurt Harry so badly and not even care? I nuzzled my face into Harry's neck and I swore I felt his breath hitch slightly, but it was probably my overactive imagination.
"He asked me why today was special." With that, he broke down completely once again.
I couldn't believe it. Louis had actually forgotten his and Harry's anniversary. That was the last straw. I had to do something, but I knew Harry would hate me if I did anything horrible to Louis, even after what he'd done to the poor boy. So I had to make a plan to distract Harry and myself from the earlier events and help us forget so we could move on.
What were things that calmed Harry down? I thought hard. Louis, his special tea, his mum, singing, and cooking. I couldn't give him Louis or his mum, and since tea had played a role in his breakup I didn't think that was a good idea either.
It looked like Harry and I were going to be cooking, because God knows we already do quite enough singing. And good thing too, because with the drama that walked in my front door with him I'd forgotten my growling stomach.
I rubbed Harry's back and whispered soothing things to him about how Louis was being the arse here and he didn't deserve whatever Louis had said to him and he was safe now that we was here with me. His sobs slowly subsided until he was simply sniffling every once in a while. We lay there in each other's arms, neither of us wanting to move.
He turned his head to look up into my eyes. His usually bright emerald orbs were a bit dull and covered in the shine of unshed tears. He was trying to be strong and hold the worst of it in, and I thought he was insanely brave for doing it.
"Harry? I'm hungry," I whispered. He chuckled, his voice rough from his cries.
"Of course you are, Nialler. Let's go get you something to eat. I bet you didn't even have breakfast yet, you little leprechaun." Pulling himself together, he stepped off the couch and stretched his limbs, Glancing at the clock, I realized I'd been calming him for over two hours. No wonder I was so hungry.
Following him to the kitchen, I could see some of the tension in his shoulders being released. Good, my plan was working. He was starting to focus more on food and cooking than his sadness.
He searched through my stock of food and tilted his head to the side in a thinking manner. "I think you've got the stuff for some omelets," he commented, beginning to pull out the ingredients. I let out my pent up breath, letting my mind forget about what had just happened and went to join Harry.
We found everything Harry needed, and I went to grab a pan. He placed it on the stove and turned it on. Taking out another bowl, he asked me for the eggs, which I handed over. He had cracked about three quarters of the eggs we needed when I smirked and crept up behind him.
The next egg he went to crack, I grabbed it out of his hands and dumped the contents on his head instead of in the bowl. The liquids dripped down his face and bits of raw egg stuck in his curls. I couldn't help but chuckle as he whipped around and glared at me.
"Don't mess with my food when I'm cooking, Horan. You know better." He warned me.
I let him continue cracking the eggs, but when he was finished I took the remaining eggs out of the box when his back was turned. I softly cracked them on the edge of the counter and laughed a little.
As Harry turned around to ask what I was laughing at, I launched all five remaining cracked eggs at him. They splattered all over his body. He looked like he'd been drenched in a bowl of raw egg insides, which he kind of had been. My laughter ended when I saw the murderous look in his eyes.
"I warned you, no touching my food." He backed me up until I hit the counter and I looked frantically for an escape, but before I could run he smirked widely at me and went back to the omelets.
What was that? I thought at least something would happen to me for messing with him while he was cooking. I frowned, trying to come up with a better plan. The one who always came up with the best pranks was Lou-
No. No thinking about him now. I scolded myself, replacing my frown with a grin and I skipped around Harry while he cooked.
As he slid some of the finished breakfast onto plates, I darted my hand in and grabbed some, shoving it in my mouth before Harry had time to react. He growled at me.
"One more chance before you're dead." I nodded, suppressing a chuckle.
When he went back to finishing the rest of the food, I reached for another bite. I was so darn hungry! But as I tried to pull my hand away, Harry swiveled around and latched onto my wrist.
"Ouch, Haz! Let me go!" I shouted. He just gripped onto me tighter. "Oi, that really hurts! Leave the hungry leprechaun be!"
He raised an eyebrow at me. "I told you not to take food or mess with the cooking at least three times, didn't I?" He puts down the utensils he's holding in his other hand and stalks closer to me. I back away.
This pattern continues, him following me as I back my way around the kitchen. Eventually he has enough of it and slams me into the corner of the doorway. "Didn't I?" He leans in closer, making me shut my eyes.
That boy had no clue what he was doing to me. Now that I wasn't trying to comfort him, I could appreciate his face close to mine and his body leaning against my own. I felt myself getting excited and could only hope he didn't notice. It was really not the best time to tell him I loved him, not right when he broke up with Louis. He still loved the boy.
There was a sudden light pressure on my lips, and my pants felt twice as tight. Did Harry really just kiss me? I opened my eyes to check.
His eyes were bright once again as they stared into my own. His face was inches away, and I felt a strong urge to lean in those few centimeters and connect our lips again. Our bodies were pressed close. I felt numb with shock. Harry Styles just kissed me!
I snapped out of it when I heard his wonderful husky voice. I did that to him? "Don't act like you don't want this, Ni. I know you've been watching me. I can feel your little situation. You want this so badly." I groan at the burning feeling his words evoke from inside me. As if to prove his point, he reaches down to brush his hand over my crotch, making me moan loudly.
"N-n-no, I d-don't know w-what y-y-you're t-talking ab-bout," I stutter. His smirk grows.
"You want me, Niall. You want me to smash our lips together and lick your lips open. You want my touch all over your body and us both naked. You want to feel me inside you, slamming into you so hard that we bruise where our bodies collide." He continues to whisper dirty thing in my ear and I feel myself getting more and more aroused.
"Harry," I moan, and he stops and comes back to look at me.
"What, sexy leprechaun?"
"You're right, I want you. God, you're killing me!" I whine, and he chuckles, his smirk softening.
"Good, 'cause I want you too." I can't take it anymore. I press my lips to his.
He immediately moans and kisses me back. Our mouths move together and our tongues explore every corner of each other's mouth. Soon enough our shirts are off and I can tell how fit he really is. I run my hands across his chest and feel his nipples harden from my touch. He drifts his hands down to squeeze my bum, and I gasp through the kiss.
I never thought this would happen. Here I am, with the boy I'm in love with, snogging him like there's no tomorrow. Wait... what about Louis? He can't be over him yet. Is he using me as another distraction? I can't handle that if he is. I pull away and he whimpers at me.
"Are you just using me to get over Louis?" I ask, my words coming out harsher than I intended. I see Harry wince.
"Of course not. I'm not that kind of guy, Nialler. I've always wanted you, not him. I was with him because I thought I could never have you. When he left me, I thought it meant I had nobody. But it was worth the risk to try with you, because now I know that even if it doesn't work out, you'll know you tried. That's the lesson I learned from my messed up relationship with Louis: you can't give up."
I smile at him, tears of happiness forming in my eyes. He really did want me. He was never going to let Louis hurt him again. He was giving me the chance I'd always been too much of a wimp to ask for. He pulled me into a hug, resting his head on my shoulder.
"I love you, Harry," I tell him softly.
"I love you too, Niall. I always have."
Suddenly we hear the sound of a sizzling flame, and an ear-piercing alarm sounds. Sprinklers on the ceiling drop down and soak us with water. We spin around to see the food that Harry had been finishing up with in the pan on fire. I chuckle. He forgot about his cooking for me, how sweet.
He runs over to turn off the stove and pours water bottles on the flames until the danger is gone. I reach up to switch the alarm off, and the sprinklers go off with it.
I look at Harry. He looked ridiculous, coated with the eggs I'd smashed on him earlier and soaked to the bone. He stared at me, trying to see what I found so funny.
"See? Even the fire sprinklers knew you needed a shower." He cracks up with me.----------------------------------------------------------------------_________________________________________
I'm not even going to lie to you this was kinda carroty

Narry One Shots
Fiksi PenggemarIt says it all in the title. There's Fluff and Smut. And Request are Fine, I'll do those to if you want. Hugs And Kisses From Me. And Credit To The Writers/Authors but I wrote a couple them! <3