Prolouge: What is past, is basically future-Tweek's POV

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Let's both cut any shit for a second, no one considers writing a career anymore. I like it, but nobody else seems to anymore. Yeah you may read a book once a year, or hell maybe twice a year, but nobody ever wants too! But I was cursed with the unexplainable sickness we know as writer/reader syndrome, more commonly known as being an introvert.
This doesn't mean I can't be normal. I'm not your typical introvert. I'm not afraid to talk to someone, it's the fear of ruining someone else. It's known if you lean towards one opinion, some people will hate you. But if you are a blank slate like me–well more like a slate that twitches to much and drinks to much coffee–you tend not to have an opinion.
But when I enter the internet on wattpad, I feel free. I feel like I can do anything and everything!
Sadly though, hate still is on that platform. But it tends to stay in it's own little buble.
So I'm free to share my own opinion!
I'm free to be who I want without hate!
I'm still me!
But better!
On the internet, it's a safe haven for me. With all the stress from everything, I think writings been my main source of stress relief. Over the years–oh, by the way, I'm sixteen, go figure–my anxiety has seemed to calm down. That kinda helped my twitching, but I still twitch a lot.
I write books. Yeah yeah, the stressed out kid writes books on wattpad, what makes him special? Well my book, stress leaves eventually, has over 30K views! I've always considered this a miracle, since I absolutely hate my writing style.
People are just like that.
They love the story, they don't really focus on the way it's written. But I do. Every word must be perfect. No spelling mistakes! No grammar mistakes! Nothing!
See why it's not considered a talent though? You can be awesome at it, you can be a God at writing, but no one will read it unless you're the 300K people who read normal books!
My book isn't what it sounds like though! It's not a diary with everyone's name replaced! It's about this girl, Julia, she suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder–PTSD–because she watched as her whole family got executed in front of her as punishment for her failing to follow the Lord's orders. Over the years, she keeps on feeling like she's going to stay this way. But, as the title suggests, she gets better. Day by day, piecing herself together while he husband and children are growing up before her eyes.
So basically your normal over dramatic teen written story in wattpad. Different title and people, same story!
Nothings ever different though. If you think about it, every word is connected. Here look at this. This, ice, nice, niece, necklace, lavender, drink, revenge, evil, love, violent, This.
They all have one letter in common that all roots back to the same word.
No I seem like a crack head who knows nothing about writing, which in retrospect, is the case.
Sometimes things make sense without an explanation. Like this, "Mary went to the_____." It doesn't matter where she went to you, what matters is that she's gone somewhere. Which I guess is how my school mates view me! That's fine though. I have online friends, and though we may never meet, they are the only people I ever want to talk to.
They're like family to me.
If you would of asked fourth grade me if I liked to write I would say yes. But it's my own little secret now. No one really knows, because no one really cares.
Basically what I'm saying is what's past to people is present. But I see it as future.
An opportunity.

Holy shit nuggets, I got through this whole thing. I hope you like this book. I'll try and make a release schedule for all my other books... I guess I'll see y'all later bye! (Oh god no one wants to read this! ;w;)

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