Prolouge:Everything:Craigs POV

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A/N: I had been struggling to make one for Craig. I want to try and make this one of the best fanfictions I've ever made, so I want your feedback. Do you want me to add POV's other than Craig and Tweek? Should I make chapters dedicated to Tweek's book? Should I try and make other stories outside of Tweek and Craig's that will end up being part of the over all plot? Like two other classmates being in the story and on Wattpad who happen to be big time authors? Please tell me so when I update it on Thanksgiving I can make the first chapter interesting to everyone who reads!

Hi, I'm Craig Tucker, the kid from South Park everyone wants to forget. Some people try and pretend that I don't exist, but for as many stores I work at, it doesn't seem to work a whole lot for them. Or they befriend me, those peoples names being Tweek, Token, and Clyde. My little sister, Ruby, is a better kid now. She gave up and decided that if she wants the best possible future for herself and her future family, which I have to admit, that's very mature for a twelve year old girl. Yes that makes me sixteen. I'm a junior at South Park high school which sounds about as fun as swimming in a pool of lava. Schools hell enough but being an outcast is way worse, especially with a fat ass in the school. I feel like if I went on wattpad and wrote all about my life on there, but I don't want to run the risk of someone else being on here, even though it is very unlikely. But just in case. I haven't written a story on wattpad, and I don't plan too. I prefer to read and get idea's of what people like. One of the best stories I've read was a story called"Stress Leaves eventually" by the username of "The_Introvert_Writer_Boy36". We both bond over our love of books. We talk everyday. Not at like nine AM to ten PM but we do text from nine PM to twelve PM or all night. As introverts we both share an amazing ability to stay up late through coffee or pure adrenaline. We both have so much in common. Anyways back to the evil snitches at school, they are probably some of the worst people you can ever meet. There is on;y a handful of kids at school I respect and-somehow-respect me. Those people being Butters, Tweek, Scott, Token, Clyde, and Kyle. I would say Kenny, but lets be honest, when have we ever considered Kenny a respectful person? Fast answer: probably never! We can put him in the maybe list along with Wendy and Kevin. The girls at school are awesome though. If I have a group project, you'll see me with the girls like Red, Wendy, and Bebe. They are some of the most calm and smart people you'll meet. For as much as people say I only go for the girls cause I want to have a four way. If we're being honest, I think I have a crush on Introvert. Yeah we don't know each others real names, but does that really matter? Love is like tacos, lets say you like a hard shell taco with meat and melted cheese and someone else likes the one with sour cream, a soft shell, and bean instead of meat and then there are people who like both equally, so why care about what other people like? But that's me, the boy who likes only two kinds of tacos. Boy and girl. Back when me and Tweek were still dating-they debated it back in school if we were dating, but we actually were-i thought I only liked boys but then I started getting into Rihanna and Demi Lavoto. Anyways, like I said I think I have a crush on Introvert, he's so nice and caring. He listens to me rant about the amount of pressure my parents have on me to be just like them and in return he rants back to me about how sad and lonely he feels. How he'd rather live in a cave filled with five thousand empty lays bags and one really bored sans fangirl with a tablet. Anyways, I think that's all the random, weird, and perhaps unwanted information about me. I think.

A/N: this is so bad, can we hit my face??? Okay anyways, here are some of the things you can vote on by commenting your detailed or mysterious comment about what you want from this fanfic!

Do you want parts of Tweek's story in here?



Do you want more POVs in this story?



Do you want more Wattpad creator friends talking to Tweek in an online friend way?



Do you want stories outside of this one that all comes back to them?



Do you want any other ships or do you want just Creek and for me to do conclusions to the book (Give it a month after wrap) for other ship?



If yes to the last question, what ship and is it a conclusion or part of this book?

leave answer here

Anything you want to add?

leave answer here

Anyways have a good day/night don't be a stranger!

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