31. 'We Didn't Start the Fire...'

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Hi, Here is a quick/short update. Let me know if there are any mistakes.

Kota's POV

Once we all made it back to the cabins Sang, Luke and North went straight to the kitchen to start dinner. They pulled out what they needed, and they each took a job that was either prep work and washing, putting the potatoes in aluminum foil, marinating the steaks, and getting out the ingredients for the brownies. Looking at Sang I feel happy and content. She has a smile on her face and was giggling at something Luke had said and I saw North look up with a small smile and a look of happiness in his eyes. I like seeing my family happy because it means that everything we have gone through and done has paid off. I announced, "I am going to start the fire so we can get those potatoes started. I know the others are gathering more wood".

Sang's head popped up and she stated, "wait, I wanted to help do that. I did help make the initial pile for the fire pit". 

Before I could persuade her to change her mind North's voiced boomed out, "No, Baby, you are not going to help start a fire. You could get hurt."

"I wouldn't get hurt. Kota will be right there supervising." God, do I hate it when she puts us on the spot like that. Our minds can never work fast enough to denied her anything because we cannot give her a good enough excuse quick enough to not let her do something.

I went to the hall closet come back out with paper, some lighter fluid and matches. Here we go, hopefully, it will lite before the others see that I am letting her play with fire. Once we get outside, I double check that the fire pit is secure and that the sticks are in place. I, then, look to Sang and tell her what to do with the paper and show her. She moves to the other side of the pit to stuff paper in between the sticks on the other side. There is no way in hell that I am using the lighter fluid around Sang. What if she burns her eyebrows off or worse her hair! Gabe would never let me hear then end of it. Once, she is ready I hand her a candle lighter and she slowly walks around to each side bends down and lights the paper. After that I take the lighter from her and we step back to watch the sticks catch on fire. Her hair and eyebrows are still attached! I won't be murdered in the next five minutes. I put my arm around her shoulders and pull her into my side; she rests her head on my shoulder. Aw, this is the life, you, your girl, and nature.

After a few minutes of silence, Sang spoke, "thank you for letting me start the fire. I'm going to go back in and help. Let me know what we are doing next."

"Okay. Will do. The others should be here shortly". With that I watched her walk inside while I stayed to keep an eye on the fire. Not even ten minutes later the rest of the guys come out of the woods with their arms full of wood.

When they all reached me I gave them an update, "Sang, North and Luke are finishing up the prep work. The fire is also ready for the potatoes. So at this time we can do whatever we want until dinner is ready. Any ideas?"

Silas: "North and I are going to check out the boats for fishing."

Nathan: "I think I will go with Silas and North."

Owen: "I was going to sit in a lawn chair and read the new book I bought and maybe check my stocks since I am able to get internet here. I will also keep watch on the fire for any one who wishes to spread out."

Sean: "That sounds good; I will join you. I got a new medical journal that I have been wanting to read."

Kota: "I will join you as well."

Gabriel: "Luke and I were planning on teaching Trouble how to play euchre. Victor, would you be able to be our 4th person?"

Victor: "Sure, I can do that."

Owen: "Alright, Gentlemen sounds like we have our plans. Call if you need anything."

It's nice that we are such a diverse group that we always have many options to do things. So, with those final words from Mr. B went broke apart and started to relax.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2018 ⏰

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