Healing takes time

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Ok so I keep wanting to put it into either characters POV so from now on it's going to go like that
Lycilya's POV
Aizawa's arms got better and he started moving around like usual. But as a side effect he sustained several scars on his arms and of course the smiley face like scar under his right eye.. I feel so bad
As of right now I was teaching the class while he was sleeping in his yellow sleeping bag on the floor in the corner of his classroom.
I was writing something on  the chalk board when I herd some paper being thrown and I snapped my head around just in time to catch it before it hit Shouta's sleeping face
The paper was crumpled up like a ball and curiously I unraveled it to see a picture and a script of text under it
I studied the picture closely.. it was Shouta in his yellow sleeping bag and me over it with a spike in my hand I think that's what it was... and under it was the words 'DIE BANSHEE YOUR NOT WELCOME HERE' in red pen I recognized the handwritings as Bakugo's and played it cool as if he didn't see it and quickly wrote a very detailed picture of him locked in detention again with a note under it as well which read 'unless you want me to drag your spiky haired ass to detention again you'll refrain from throwing papers and writing notes about your teachers in class' in delicate script and tossed it back into his hair and continued the lesson

Bakugo's POV
I threw a note at Mr. Aizawa's head and the banshee caught it as is thought but the next thing I knew was she tossed a similar paper right into my head which pissed me off!
I plucked it up and uncrumpled it and saw a vary detailed picture of her digging me to a room labeled 'detention' and under it said
'Unless you want me to drag your spiky haired ass to detention you'll refrain from throwing notes at your teachers'
I decided to keep the note since it was so well drawn but I will get my revenge on this teacher.
-time skip-
Lycilya's POV
Shouta has woken up and we were walking out of UA together while the leaves started to fall onto the ground
Fall was definitely around the corner
I just looked at the ground not even noticing Shouta was staring at me until he cleared his throat. I snapped my head up to see his cold glaze had melted away and one of worry replaced it
"Lycilya? Are you alright?" He asked
"I'm fine I guess.." I said and continued walking.
He stopped to stare at me his hair blowing around as the wind played with it lightly
"I can tell when your lying Lyci you've never been any good at it" he said and pulled at his scarf and it wrapped around my body pulling me towards him
Its been so long since he called me by my childhood nickname.. id almost forgotten about it
Once I was inches away from his chest his scarf stopped tugging but it still heals its grip
"Now, what's wrong Lycilya?" He asked looking me dead in the eyes
"It's nothing Shouta.. it's just that kid.. Bakugo is his name? Tried throwing this at you while you were sleeping" I said and dug into my pocket and handed him the crumpled up crude note the spiky haired teen had thrown at him
He loosened his grip a bit and unfolded the note taking in every detail of it
"That student is on very thin ice as it is Lyci try not to let it go to that pretty head of yours I'll deal with him in the morning" he said and his scarf released me and we continued our walk to my house (he's about to move in anyways so yeah...)
Once we got there I nuked some leftovers and we went to bed..

Some time around 2 am
Lycilya's nightmare
I was running in a forest with Joanna (her friend who was killed) and I herd her fall I rushed to help her but as I tried to grab her hand she was dragged across the leaf scattered forest and into the hands of the hunter
"Oh what an unworthy hero she is.." the hero killer spoke chillingly
"You! You let her go!" I screamed running towards him to get my friend I felt a sharp kick to my head from his spiked metal shoe causing blood to flow from my forehead
I staggered to my feet and saw him stabbing her in the back with one of his knives she fell to the ground as I caught her
"You'll be my next victim if you don't shape up banshee" and with that he disappeared
"Joanna I'm so sorry" I cried as blood splashed onto her forehead along with my tears
Back to the present
Aizawa's POV
I was sleeping in the guest room when I herd thrashing coming from across the hall.. from Lycilya's room I jumped up out of bed and shuffled in my gray sweats and black 3 quarter sleeved V-neck to her room
Her door was open ajar and I peeked in
Her room was decorated in from what I could tell was dark walls and dark furnishings along the dark hardwood floors and I saw her in her bed thrashing around violently I walked in silently and saw her entire body was covered in sweat her tank top clinging to her like a second skin.
I walked over to her and sat on the empty side of the bed and moved some hair out of her face
"Lyci it's just a dream wake up please" I said softly
It didn't help stop the thrashing of anything it made it stronger
I didn't know what to do.. I had one idea.. but I didn't know if she'd be ok with it..
I was pulled out of my thoughts by her arm whacking me in the chest which by the way, Hurt like HELL! Like shit how'd she get so god damn strong?!
Deciding that I didn't want her to get hurt I pinned her arms down and kissed her until she stopped thrashing and I felt her body relax as a tear fell down her cheek.
I sat next to her as she clung to my arm for dear life. I looked over at her clock and saw it was almost three in the morning so I lied down in defeat knowing I did t have a chance of getting out of her grip.
As I laid down with my free arm propped behind my head I felt her loosen her grip and snuggle closer to my chest leaning her head on my torso with her hand next to it over my heart.
I had to admit this was kinda nice..
I missed her so much, I won't deny that. But having her next to me now it felt right. Like it was meant to be or something like that.
Before I fell asleep I herd her grumbly croak
"Thank you Shouta.. for everything" and with that I smiled and pecked her forehead replying with
"Your welcome Lyci" and fell into a deep sleep

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