New Beginnings

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I AM SO SORRY I WENT ON A HAITUS! But nevertheless I have returned to hopefully bring some closure to those of you who've kept up with the story thus far so without further ado, I give you the next major plot twist in my OC's incredibly complicated and ever so confusing life!

Lycilya's POV
It's been about six months since I got my wings and killed my mother, dad had moved out and back into the family mansion but still teaches at UA, it was summer break and I was sleeping with Shouta when I herd him groan and roll over.
"Lyci.." he grumbled
"What is it Shouta?" I asked
"Wanna go adopt a kid?" He asked nuzzling into my chest half asleep
"Uh you realize we can just make one ourselves right?" I said a bit sarcastically
"True. We'll do that later" he said before falling back asleep on my chest
I sighed and laughed a bit some things never change I guess.
At some point I fell back asleep and before I knew it, the sun was peaking through the curtains.
I woke up and got out of bed and went to make coffee
I poured some of the black concoction into a white mug when I herd Shouta coming down the stairs
"Morning Shouta, say, do you remember any particular conversations from last night?" I asked raising an eyebrow
"When you and I were talking about having a kid? Yes, I do" he said smirking
"Ok just making sure you weren't hallucinating" I said and drank my coffee
"Well I said we'd do it later, it's later Lyci" he said
I almost spit out my coffee. He really wasn't joking
... Later ...
I was laying on Shouta's bare chest watching him sleep, it was about one in the afternoon, which meant a shit ton of sunlight still but our coal colored black out Curtains kept it at bay but streaks of sunlight still peeled through making the bedroom look kinda pretty,
I smiled at his softened facial expression and thought back to when we both were still in high school, in fact when we first met, it still feels like it was yesterday...
I was just dropped off at my first day of high school I had earbuds in my Lilac colored hair swung in curls at my shoulders.
I took a seat at the back of the class and sat my bag down on the floor my head hung low, I didn't really want to be here given my current mess of a life but ''twas the law so I didn't really have a choice in the matter.
I was shuffling through my iPods library when I herd a chair pull out next to mine and I saw a black backpack was sitting next to my purple one, but I didn't pay much attention to it I just set my head down on the desk and waited for Mr. Grand Torino the teacher to burst through the door like I've herd he does.
Falling asleep seemed like a better idea than studies at the moment so I closed my eyes. But just as I was about to catch up on the sleep I'd so desperately missed last night I felt a hand tap my shoulder.
I looked up and turned and saw a young man with shoulder length raven hair and dark circles under his coal colored eyes
"Hello, I'm Shouta Aizawa" He said
I waved at him "Lycilya Witherstone"  and put my head back in my arms
"Good morning class today we will be doing class introductions, to get to know each other better" grand Torino said as he entered the class
I rolled my eyes and practically scoffed at coming up to introduce myself, I was the famous Professor Witherstone's daughter for crying out loud I didn't want a lot of people to find out who I was or the fact that my father was just killed by my mother and that she was on the loose. Again I might add, I just didn't want to be here.
"We will start with, Lycilya" Grand Torino said
I mentally groaned
This just wasn't my day at all. Was it?
"Where is Miss Lycilya?"  Grand Torino asked
I put my hand up slowly from the back of the class
"Ah there you are, please come up and introduce yourself and what your quirk is please" he said
I stood up shakily and shuffled to the front of the class where he handed me a piece of chalk
I wrote my first name on the board only
"Hello my name is Lycilya, and my quirk is," I started
"Yes Lycilya? Please continue" Grand Torino said
"U-um right!" I said shakily I couldn't cry on my first day in high school. I just couldn't!
"M-my quirk is a mutation of a banshee scream and music that I can project at a high level" I whispered softly while looking at the ground
"Please speak up Lycilya I could barely hear you" Grand Torino said
I was shaking, trying to say what my quirk was started to raise memories of my father from when I was younger, I wasn't ready yet not for those memories, him teaching me about music, and playing hide and seek with me in the family manor.. and.. and his laughter and smile
"May I be excused sir?" I asked shakily
"Why? Are you sick?" He asked
My head hung low my hair was concealing the fresh tears that had started rolling down my cheeks
"No.. I just need a minute alone" I said
"Go sit back down and I'll call you up again" he said
I nodded and walked back to my seat and stayed there until it was lunch time, where I bolted outside and shimmied my way up a giant oak tree
"Finally some peace and quiet" I said solemnly
"You know talking to yourself will only make the class more suspicious of your quirk" I herd someone say
I looked down and saw Shouta Aizawa standing with some food a fruit pouch and his back pack
"What do you want?" I asked bitterly
"I brought you some food, I didn't see you in the cafeteria so I figured you'd be hungry, mind if I come up?" He asked
"I don't mind" I said and waited for him to climb up
When he got there he sat down next to me on the Branch I was on and handed me the food
"Thanks.. I guess" I said
"No problem, so.." he said and took the cap off of his fruit pouch
"So what?" I asked
"Why'd you get all huffy when Grand Torino made you go up first?" He asked
"You wouldn't understand. It's complicated" I said
"Try me, I can do complicated." He said
I laughed a bit, the nerve of him.
"Well my dad was kinda just murdered and my mom is on the run so my life is going suuuppperrrr great right now." I said
"Whoa shit I'm sorry, if it's any consolation I lost my parents too," he said
"Really? If you don't mind me asking but how?" I asked
"Fire, family house burnt down while I was at a friends house for a sleep over, faulty wires," he said
"I'm sorry," I said
"Nah it's fine I'm over it, besides I'm more interested in you," He said
"Really? Why me?" I asked
"Because you have the balls to sleep in class while the teacher screams at you from the front of the class and not even flinch" he said with a chuckle
I laughed, "did he really?" I asked
"Mhm it was kinda funny." He said laughing with me
"Wanna be friends?" I asked
"Sure, friends for life?" He asked holding out a hand
"Absolutely" I said shaking his hand
I smiled fondly. It wasn't the happiest days of my life but it somehow turned out alright, I looked at Shouta, and poked his cheeks
He started to squirm a bit
"I know what your doing Lyci and don't even think about tickling me!" He mumbled still half asleep
I giggled and continued to poke his cheeks and his nose, and his lips.
His coal colored eyes looked at me after they opened
"What do you think your doing?" He asked
"Thinking and poking you," I said
"Hm funny I was dreaming about you too," he said moving a purple curl out of my face
"Really? What was it about?" I asked
"You me and a little kid, he had your eyes, my pale skin, and dark purple-ish black hair," he said
"Maybe that's what our offspring will look like" I said
"Maybe.."  I said
8-ish months later...

"I swear how am I supposed to even go to work?" I asked dad from the couch in his living room
"Well Shouta specifically told me not to let you go to work until the baby is born" dad said as he cut up some fruit from the kitchen
"Are you joking? Please tell me you are joking" I asked
"Nope that's what he said to me this morning after he dropped you off" dad said
"Oh he is going to get a piece of my mind when I get home" I said
"Honey you can just accept the fact that he is trying to keep you and the baby safe." Dad said setting the fruit down on the table
"Dad I've been on leave for almost a month and a half, I'm starting to get bored" I said
"I know but just try and be patient, your going to have a kid soon, you'll be back at it before you know it" dad said
"I hope so" I said and munched on some fruit
It was around 5 When Shouta came to pick me up and we went home where we put some paint covered clothes on and went into the unfinished nursery to finish painting the walls
"Well we might finish the walls tonight Lyci" Shouta said grabbing the dark gray paint
"That's a possibility Shouta, then after it dries we can finally put the crib and other furniture in here too," I said and dipped the paint brush into the paint and started painting the last wall in the room

We finally finished painting the room around seven and we were covered In paint
The next day we put the crib and other furnishings in the room
"Are you ok lycilya?" Shouta asked me as we were putting the mattress into the crib
"Yeah three little guys just kicking is all," I said
"I-ok are you sure your not having any contractions?" He asked
"Yes I'm sure" I said before I felt a slimy mess trickle down my legs
"Shit.." I muttered
"What is it?" He asked going up to me
"My water just broke..." I said gripping the crib ledge
"Oh ok ok ok!" He said and grabbed me and we flung out the window to hospital
He carried me into the hospital and told the receptionist that I was having a baby and they got me into a wheel chair. I was in so much pain.
Several hours later
"One more push Mrs. Aizawa" the doctor said
"Oh like hell I can push more I'm in too much pain!" I yelled
"Come on Lyci you can do it!" Shouta said
I gave all my strength into getting this kid out of my body and soon I herd crying
"It's a boy," the doctor said
I sighed in relief
"Oh thank god I thought it was never going to end" I said
"You did well Lyci," Shouta said
"Thanks.." I said and laid back
Soon they brought our son in and handed him to me
"Well what do you know, you were right Shouta" I said
"Was i?" He asked
I nodded and he looked at our son
He had dark purple hair and pale skin and beautiful sapphire eyes
"He's so adorable" Shouta said
"What will we name him?" Shouta asked
"How about Koshi?" I asked
"Sounds perfect" He said
"Wanna hold him?" I asked
"Sure" He said a bit nervous
I handed him Koshi, "support his head" I said
He nodded and held him closely to his body
"You two are my favorite things this world could ever give me.." he said and cooed at Koshi
Koshi grabbed one of Shouta's fingers and held it closely to him
I smiled at them both. I'd never been this happy

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