Chapter 25

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Lexis P.O.V.

Today's the day. Today is the day only a very minimum amount of people get to discuss Jenny. Poor Jenny such a little girl death apon her to this day. Jenny a little girl with such a big heart. She cared about everyone. She knew people deserve second chances. She knew one day something good would happen and change all the hate in people. She was young and kind and the most generous little girl you could ever think of. She never really cared to what people thought about her she just cared for this community. She wanted equal shares in very many things. She wanted homeless people to live like everyone else and have a house and food and a good family even if very many didn't have very nice families she wanted that to change. She wanted people to know everyone has a right and a destiny to do something great and succeed in life. Everyone had to much to do in life and jenny had so much so live but that was taken away from her e erything was taken. Life was taken away from her, her parents and now her sister. She's in a better place now but that doesn't make it any less wrong.

Rose P.O.V. 

Today was the day my sister becomes hurried. It should be me who's dead and my sister living. My sister living her dreams and following in my footsteps. My sister who can be the most generous girl possible. She had so much to achieve. But Jason took that from her. Jason took the last thing that was stuck in my heart. He took every piece of me away. He took my life too even though I'm still breathing and living. I still don't feel alive I still feel dead I still feel nothing. When I touch something I feel nothing I feel numb. I feel as if Jason killed Jenny but he basically killed me and jenny is still living. At least I know she's safe at least I know she's in a better place.

Lexi drives us to the cemetery. I look around and see nothing. Its all just plain and nothing. I have no feelings for something. I have Ni emotions I can't show. I wanna just scream and hsout andt grow things and get it over with. I want my life taken away from me. I want none of this to be happening. I want to change when I left to pick up Lexi. want to have my sister in my arms I want my sister going to school I want my sister laughing at dumb jokes I tell I want her having a husband and getting married having children and have me get old. I want everything back to normal. I want everything to just fade eight now as well. Lexi parks the car as I just sit there starring at absolutely nothing. I finally have the courage to get out. I walk out and see... Lots of people. This is a surprise. so many people I never even knew where part of my family but apparently were. I know I have a confused look on my face already. I try to ignore the glares I'm receiving and walk to my chair. I sit down and very many people come pat my shoulder. Many people in black. Dark that's how everything is. Dull like nothing. Very few people are crying and many are just talking amongst themselves and starring. I ignore that as well.Lexi comes sitting next to me and grabs my hand I flinch but don't pull away. I look into her eyes and tears start pricking at my eyes. She pulls me into a hug. I haven't had any social time or anytime of that matter to say or do anything. I don't wanna do anything everything is dark and plain to me. My sisters case was closed because they said it was a cold case. I know if I told them it was Jason he would have gotten away with it so I just became numb knowing everything around me was fading away. The ceremony started and I stopped crying in her arms. I feel a light touch on my thigh and look up to see Violet. I smile at her but look back at the paster.

"Hello everyone. As we all know were here for a very special girl today Jenny Edwards. She was a precious girl as we all know and she had so much to live for ....."

I zone out and start looking at some familiar faces Then I hear my name and look up. "Rose may you say your pleadings" I smile and get up. Lexi looks into my eyes and I look away. as I'm walking forward I see some more familiar faces. I smile at a few and get up to the alter. I clear my throat and begin speaking.

"Jenny Marie Edwards. My little sister who everyone knew as a kind hearted little girl. She was kind she wanted the best for everyone. She wanted people to become equal in such a town like this. When we lost our parents a few months ago she was the one helping me. even though its suppose to be the other way around but she helped me. She was the best and most amazing little sister. I felt as if was a mother to her from the lost that was imposed upon on us. I felt guilty. and I still do knowing I can't help her anymore. The person who killed my little sister deserves punishment but no the government and everyone sucks. no one helped my sisters cold case. my little sister didn't deserve such harsh and cruel punishment. It should be me in that cascit. It should be her crying and speaking about me. It should be her who is living her dreams and succeed in life. It ....." tears start falling down my cheeks but I try and continue. "She was the most precious little girl. She didn't....deserve such cruel punishment. I need my little sister. I know ....she's in a better place.. I..I'm sorry I can't". I run off the alter and into the woods. I hear my name being shouted from behind but continue running down a path. I remember this path it was were me and my sister went when mum and dad were fighting. It was were we had lunch after school. I see the tree house we sat in before and climb up the steps. Once I'm up there I sit in my sisters chair and its down in it. I start heavily crying but stop once I hear someone climbing up. I grab the first thing in view to hit the person with. A beat up doll. the persons head comes into view and I start hitting its head.

"Owe" I recognize that voice Harry. I do the first thing that comes to mind. Scream. He quickly gets in and wraod his arms around me. I scream but then ease into his touch. I start crying even more and then start screaming again. I hear people running towards the tree house I few calling my name and walking past not even here my faint screaming because Harry stops me. Then I scream again elbow Harry in the gut and run down the stairs. My feet touch the floor and I run as fast as my feet can take me. I try to get close to the cemetery and manage. I see people and I try to hide and get to my car. Once I. get to my car I see Lexi crying in it. I get it and her eyes dart to me.

"I'm so sorry Rose I'm  Fake friend. " she says before I gun shot comes from behind me and all the lights in my mind become blank. My whole body and vision fading away.

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