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I pulled my helmet on over my head after tying my long black hair up into a mini ponytail, then locked it into place.

"Almost there," Lance announced, gripping the controls of his lion. Blue growled in response, pulling up slowly to a tiny galra base floating in the middle of space.

"Ready?" Lance asked, glancing at me with his gorgeous blue eyes. I dismissed the thought and looked away.

"Yeah," I answered, my voice clearly wavering.

"Hey man, it'll be fine. Lover Boy has got this under control."

I rolled my eyes and climbed out of the lion as it landed in front of dusty metal steps. Lance followed behind me as I crouched down, pulled my weapon out, and headed into the base.

Suspicious but unsurprising, it was deserted. I straightened up and headed down a corridor, kicking over a rusty metal can. "Nothing here," I reported into my mic.

"We thought so," Pidge answered, voice staticy. "Look around, just to be sure."

"Roger that," I replied, turning my mic off. Just as I did so, my helmet was knocked off my head with an alarming force. I was knocked to the ground, and felt warm blood trickling down my head.

"Keith!" Lance's voice echoed through the hall. I heard gun shots, and then felt arms lifting me up. My head was pounding and it felt like someone was drilling into my head.

The next thing I knew I was slammed onto a dark room, splayed out on the floor. I opened my eyes to find a shadowy figure in there with me, banging on a small metal door.

"Let us out of here!" He yelled, ramming into the door with his shoulder, to no avail.

He was getting kind of blurry. I reached up to find my head still bleeding, and it hurt like hell.

"Stoooop," I groaned. The banging was not helping whatsoever.

"Keith? You're in here too?!" The figure asked, finally stopping. It was Lance, I realized. He crawled over to me, when his head hit something. He reached up and tugged on it, and a dim light came on.

"Well, at least we can see," he sighed, then his eyes grew wide. "You're bleeding!"

"I didn't notice," I replied sarcastically, sitting up slowly. My hand was covered in blood from touching my head.

"Hold on," Lance said, ignoring me. He reached into a container attached to his suit and dug out a mini first aid kit, and pulled out a thing of bandages.

While his cold, long fingers wrapped bandages around my head, I looked around at our surroundings. We were trapped in a small, metal box. Lance could sit up in it, but the ceiling brushed his forehead. As for width, I could've layed on my back, stretched completely out. A small door with no handle marked the front.

Beads of sweat started to break out on my forehead as Lance pulled away. He beamed at his work and put the first aid kit away.

When he looked back up at me, his smile faded. "Keith? You alright, man?"

"Fine," I answered weakly, wiping at my forehead.

"You sure?" His eyebrows furrowed. "You seem a"

I sighed and sat up, rubbing my head, which was now wrapped up in thick, rough bandages. I looked at him. Into those bright, beautiful blue eyes, full of concern for someone hiding a lot of secrets.

"I have a bit of a...fear of tight spaces," I admitted, smiling weakly.

"Oh," Lance said. "Dude, that's nothing. We all have stupid fears. I probably have the stupidest one."

I blinked. Lance? Showing emotion? Since when?

"Hey, how about we take our suits off, then it'll seem less hot and crowded?" He suggested.

"Yeah," I agreed, taking a long, deep breath. "Yeah, okay."

I won't lie and say I wasn't dissapointed when Lance wasn't completely naked under his suit. But I won't admit to staring at his toned arms and abs under his shirt as I took off my own suit.

"Better?" Lance asked, pushing his suit against the wall, where I had sat mine.

"Kinda," I replied, then my eyes widened, getting over the shock and realizing our situation. "Lance, who locked us in here? How do we get out?! HOW WILL WE CONTACT THE TEAM?!"

Lance grabbed my shoulders. By then I was breathing heavily, but not all because of freaking out. Lance's face was so close to mine, I could feel his hot breath ticking my lips.

"Keith, man, calm down. I still have my helmet, see?" He let go of my right shoulder to hold up his helmet. "I'll contact Coran and they'll come rescue us, alright?"

I nodded. I felt better with Lance by my side, helmet on head, hand still on my shoulder, but my heart wouldn't calm down.

I turned to look at Lance. He caught my eye and shot me a dazzling white smile.

I gulped.

You have no idea what you do to me, Lance Mcclain.

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