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Lance sighed and pulled his helmet off, turning it over in his hands.

"What?" I asked hesitantly, feeling my anxiety returning.

"Bad news or good news?"

Simple question, simple answer. But I took about five minutes deciding. It might've been because I maybe had a concussion at that point, but I decided to take the good news first, to lighten the blow or whatever.

The left corner of Lance's lips pulled up into a small smile. I thought about kissing it. My concussion was definetly bad.

"The team's on their way," Lance said.

I perked up, then my body deflated. "Bad news?" I asked warily.

"They're far away and have mechanical problems..." Lance said. Not mad, though. Not even scared. He just said.

"How long will it be?" I asked. My voice was rising. "How long do we have to stay in this stupid-" I  punched the wall, then regretted it. It was solid metal. I shook out my hand while tears rolled down my face.

"Keith, man-"

"Stop calling me man!" I shouted. "It's stupid and you repeat it over and over!" My body shook and I tried to stop it by pulling my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them.

Lance looked shocked. And hurt. I immediately regretted lying to him. I thought the man thing was cute.

But thinking Lance was cute made me insecure. And stupid. And I was trapped, here, with him, for God knows how long.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, wiping my nose with the back of my hand.

Lance nodded, bits of golden brown hair falling in front of his eyes.

"I'm just scared." I said quietly after a few minutes.

He nodded again.

Then I did the stupidest thing I could've possible done. I scooted over to him. He looked up, surprised, as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" He whispered.


"I didn't think you'd ever lean into me unless you were like, dying."

I smiled smugly. "You think about me leaning into you?"

"No- I didn't- that's not-"

"Shh. Lance. I'm trying to sleep."


I nuzzled his neck, closed my eyes, and felt his warm arms wrap around me, my anxiety melting away.

About the box, I mean.

Not about Lance.


So, this is super short, sorry

This isn't my first fanfic but the first one I've posted, so I'll take constructive criticism gratefully

Also,, I'm not sure where I'm going with this, so have fun journeying on this roller-coaster with me :)

- pluto

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