Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

April's p.o.v.

One day Casey and I were walking back to my place after watching one of Casey's lame hockey games. as Casey and i were walking down the streets of New York City, Casey asked me the strangest thing in the world "so red, what you got going on this coming Friday?" I was shocked at this and after a minute or so i answered him with a simple " why...... Wait....... are you asking me out?!?!?!?" I tried to act calm but that wasn't working out so well. " that indeed I am!" He said with some attitude in his voice "so what do u say red? You me Friday night Antonio's Pizza?" " hmmm il get back to you on that Casey i have to check my schedule to see if I am busy but Il get back to u by tomorrow for sure." I assured him but of course I had nothing going on Friday night cause I don't have very many friends... At all.

As we were crossing the street as I started to get lost in thought about what Casey had asked me. 'I wonder what the date would be like if I went' I wondered. Then I froze, I couldn't move the next thing she herd was Casey scream "APRIL!!!!!" I turned my head to see a car running at full speed right toward me. I screamed at the top of my lungs which made the driver look up from whatever he was doing and he screamed too. I tried to run out of the way but my body wouldn't let me. I closed my eyes and held my breath just waiting for the sharp pain to hit me the only part of me that I could move was my head. I looked up in the night sky to see four shadowy figures on top of a building they didn't look exactly like people so I wondered what and who they could be. The last thing i heard was Casey scream my name again and that's when it happened the sharp pain I was waiting for. I fell to the ground with no sign of consciousness. Well now I guess I'm just stuck with my thoughts until I come back to the real world. Now who and what were those things on the roof of that building?

Casey's p.o.v.

Oh my god... What have I just done? Was it something I said?

Yes it was something you said! Don't be so stupid Casey you asked her out! How

could she not think about it?

Your right mind I did ask her out and I did make a fool of my self.

Well the fool part is just who you are!

I know I know but could you try to be nice about it?

Not a chance.

Aren't consensus's suppose to me helpful?

Ya but not me!

I just stood there not knowing what to do, then suddenly it hit me! I should call 911! Yes that was the perfect thing to do at a time like this.

I called and this nice sounding lady answered "911 whats your emergency?" She asked " my...uh... Friend just got hit by a car." I told her in the most calm voice I could " alright help is on its way. Just try not to panic. Save that for when you are at the disco!" She said with a chuckle she was trying to calm me down.... But IT WASNT WORKING

Not long after I hung up, there were ambulances and cop cars and stuff like that. The guy who hit April got arrested for texting while driving while they took April away. Then a cop came over to me and said "sir, what u did for your friend was the best thing to do. I think u called just in time! Any later and she would have been a goner.. So thank you. Now, go home and get some rest." I nodded and started to walk home.

While I was walking i heard this thud. I looked around and saw that a garbage can was just knocked down. I ignored it thinking it might just be a cat and kept walking. When I was almost home I heard another noise it was like an extremely loud motorcycle. I realized it must just be close by. I looked around and then I saw it... A huge subway car thing with tires! I couldn't believe my eyes..... What was that thing?

I pulled out my phone to quick take a picture before it was gone. "Dang it. Its blurry." I decided to keep it but when I looked up it was gone.

*Authors Note* I hope u guys liked the story so far as u might be able to tell I HATE April so much that it's just unbelievable so if you hate April like me keep on reading!( if you want to)😛

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