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Before us was a herd of zombies leaning against the gate, loosening the bolts. The gate only had about two or three left before it completely collapsed into everyone trying they're best to hold it up. Ruby was with AJ and Tenn in a far corner away from the gate so they were a safe distance from the nightmare that was before them. "This is all my fault." I muttered.

"It isn't! I'm sure as they naturally got closer, they smelt us, fresh meat. But let's go help." I nodded and Louis and I ran over to the gate and helped everyone.

"M, Marlon." Brody started. "We need to go get the weapons!"

"Alright, go alert Ruby and the boys and tell them to fetch them." He replied.

"Yessir." Then she ran over to the trio and they all ran inside the school. Then there was a sudden snap and another bolt broke.

"G-Guys, we cant control it, were all going to get eaten if we stay here!" I called out.

"She's right guys, we need to-" Then it happened; Omar's shoulders got grabbed and a zombie chomped away at his neck. 

"OMAR! NO!" Marlon shouted but the walkers just got more eager.

"Here." Brody said as she passed everyone a gun and gasped at Omar. "Don't worry, come on. I'll..Uh...get you safer for now." She let him let him lean on her shoulder and led him to a bench, her voice just trembling and sobbing.

"Got a plan, anyone?" I asked.

"No." Aasim said. "Well we could let the gate go, let them all in, grab all of our stuff then get the fuck outta here! That's what I suggest."

"At least we have an idea." Ruby agreed. "What do you think Marlon?" Then she pressed her back against the gate.

"It's something to off of." He sighed. "Guess we ain't got much choice, right?" We all looked at him worriedly. "Ok. Ruby, boys, Aasim, go get- well, there isn't much to get actually. Well, go build up the benches up so we can get onto the wall. Unless there's a strong enough vine."

"Yessir." Aasim said then ran away with Ruby, AJ and Tenn. They started gathering the benches together and struggled to get them stacked.

"I'll go help." Mitch sighed then ran over to them but Willy joined, causing the gate to be weaker.

"W...we can't keep this up for much longer. They need to hurry Marlon!" Louis said to our leader.

"I know Louis but we still need to buy them time. Come on." He pulled out his gun, like Louis and I, then started spamming the trigger. We joined eagerly and only just under a quarter of the walkers died and piled up on top of eachother, letting the living ones to be able to be higher and even a few started spilling in. I looked over and saw that everyone was one bench away from the top of the wall so my hopes came back.

"Boys, they're nearly there, we can help them! The walkers won't be near us for at least a minute." I said through tough breaths.

"Alright, I'm nearly out of ammo so let's move it!" Marlon exlaimed then we all hurried to everyone else. Well..at least they did. As we were running off, my leg got stuck under the top of the gate, making me let out a blood curdling scream. They both turned back and helped by trying to raise the heavy metal from my now bleeding leg. Both their faces were a light shade of red as the walkers were coming closer and closer. Finally, my leg was freed so I crawled across then started hopping. 

"Here." Louis said then let me put my arm around his shoulder. "How bad do you think it is?" 

"I don't know. It's bleeding kind of heavily and it hurts like hell. I'm not sure if I broke anything." I said with a struggling sound at the end as Louis sat me down. 

"Don't worry, we'll tend to it soon. AJ, stick with Clem, wouldcha?" AJ nodded then stood in front of me. 

"Clem! Are you ok? Did...did you get bit?" His voice was on the brink of crying but was somehow controled.

"Don't worry goofball." I felt Louis' presence watching me. "I'll be fine. Just need some help getting around fro a while, are you ok?" I replied and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah I'm fine. But I'm still hungry." As he said that, his stomach rumbled.

"Don't worry, we'll find food. I'm sure." I smiled at his slight frown. 

"Move it, move it!" Marlon shouted as I heard heavy footsteps upon the bench. "Clem, let Louis help you and AJ up, I've gotta make sure everyone else is fine." And with that, he jumped off of the wall and Louis reached his hand down to me.

"Don't worry." He said. "I don't bite." He then finished with a wink as I took his hand with AJ in my other. "Are you going to be ok? You know, jumping down?"

"Could you and AJ go first? Maybe you could catch me if your not lazy." I replied.

"I'll have you know I'm not that lazy! Come on, I'll help you guys up." I got a hold of his shoulders as he boosted me up and let me sit on the wall as he lifted AJ up to me after. Louis followed and jumped down then looked up at mainly AJ.

"Clem, I'm scared." My goofball quivered."

"AJ, there's no time! You can trust Louis! He's reliable and if he drops you he'll answer to me, now quickly, jump! Or I'm going to have to push you!" I pleaded urgently. After a few moments, Alvin Jr. nodded and jumped down into Louis' arms. Myself was scared with an empty feeling in my stomach which was horrible. My legs were up to my chest and I was looking down at the distance from me and Louis' arms.

"I'll catch you, I promise." He reassured me but didn't make a difference to my choice. Suddenly, a walker had climbed up, grabbed my leg and tried chomping away at it but I kicked it back and fell backwards, still feeling hollow. As I was falling, I closed my eyes tightly and felt my lip quiver. This was it. I felt like this was my death. The stupidest death to ever occur.

~100+ reads already?! I'm so happy that I've gained so much happiness from writing about something I love! I hope to be an author when I'm older so this is boosting my hopes for becoming one! Thank u all so much xx

~Sophie/Wolfie x

Louis x Clementine ~ Runaway KidsWhere stories live. Discover now