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As we were all walking across the scorched looking grass, I breathed in the fresh air. The sky was becoming a light sky blue and big, fluffy clouds were scattered across the blue canvas. The grass was yellow, dry and looked as if a fire had just taken place which worried me a tiny bit as it might mean that someone's causing fires around here. The trees were bare with thin sticks poking at thin air and the bark was a deep, dark brown oaky colour. 

Before us was a river, mouldy looking and had bits of flesh flowing through it. Rocks emerged from the bottom of the river which gave us a better understanding on how to get across. Rosie had already jumped into the fast current and was jumping around, splashing us all and making us all soaked. 

"Can we stop for a second Clem?" AJ asked me. "There's no monsters and we've been walking for ages now!"

"Ok, Goofball, we can stop for 5 minutes, no more." I replied and ruffled his hair. "Ok guys, we're going to have a bit of a break for a while so just enjoy the sunshine and sit down." A cheer was heard from the group and they all sat down, playing by the river and chatting happily. I smiled to myself as I saw Louis and AJ playing tag together, going round and round a dead tree. 

I sat down in peace and looked into my backpack and pockets, checking the supplies I was carrying. Marlon, AJ and Aasim were also carrying a few things but all Aasim really had was his notebook and about 7 pens. AJ had a pistol in his pocket, a knife and a can of soup in his pocket and he left a bottle of water beside me then ran off again. Marlon and I were carrying the big things like the main supply of food, water, necessary supplies and extra weapons. 

Marlon, though, was being a bit cheeky with his packing and put in a couple cans of beer, a little stash of drugs and a whole pack of condoms. I had rolled my eyes when he said that he was serious about bringing that stuff but it was whatever really, it was him who had to carry it. I pulled out a map from my pocket and looked for where we were, trying to find the nearest settlement.

There was a ski resort nearish which could be useful if no one was living in it or keeping watch of it. If it was necessary, we could drag a few of the seats up to the main building and use them as beds but the floor could be more comfortable; it all depends if we get there. I think that Kenny used to live there with his girlfriend and friends and Carver invaded them. But as they're all dead, it's hopefully going to be safe for the group.

"Hey Clem." I looked to my side and saw Marlon approaching me, smiling a friendly smile. In our state at the moment, if he was to ever smile it would be sad but now it seems as if he's found a bit of hope in his soul. I smiled happily back as he sat beside me and inspected the places I marked on the map. "So..the ski lodge is where we're headed?" I nodded. "You think anyone's there?"

"Last time I checked they're all dead. The villains and the good guys. This is where AJ's parents stayed for a little while with Kenny." I said back and drew on another circle surrounding a little bit and a few bridges that were near the ski lodge, making sure that Marlon was aware that they were possible places for people to sneak up on us or camp out. 

"Kenny? I've heard you talk about him."

"The only way to describe him is: 'boat man'. He was a good man with a wife and kid, until they got killed and we all thought he was dead when he tried to saved Ben. That man despised that kid. I'm still confused on why he did jump down."

"Probably because he's got a big heart deep down, you just got to wait until he shows it off. I don't know, I never met him. But that's what I always say."

"Your probably right." I looked back up at my boys who were now panting against the tree then laying on the grass under the sun. "Everyone's got a soft spot real deep down."

"How's your leg, by the way? Does it still hurt?"

"I try to not think about it. Do you want to set off soon?"

"Yeah. I'll round up everyone."

"And I'll watch everyone's back." The boy then rose from his grassy seat and waved me off, walking over to the crowd of teens and children. Then it hit me. My ankle did still burn badly but with all of the things going on and how concentrated I've had to be it's all been erased from my mind. I stood up myself and inspected the map more, making sure that I've covered everything.

"You alright, babes?" I felt arms wrap around my waist so I turned around to a tall figure looking down at me. I squeezed his muscles teasingly and smiled sweetly up at his goofy one. "Sorry o haven't spent too much time with you. I've been trying to be the best father or brother figure for AJ."

"It's alright. I appreciate it. You and him are like glue. And if I ever get bit..."

"I won't let that happen-" I placed my finger over his mouth.

"Then promise me that you'll look after him." We both took a breath, dreading the thought, then shared a gaze. He nodded sadly, looking to the side with his face turned to me.

"I promise. But for now, you and me against the world. Lou-Boy and Clemy-Clue, right?"

"Exactly." I pulled him down roughly and gave him a light kiss, trying to hide the sadness in my salty tears. For a moment, it felt as if it was just us. The only ones alive. The only ones who could conquer the virus. Then it all seemed to stop as I pulled away and held his hand tightly, looking at my shoes. "We need to set off, I know exactly where we're headed."

"Cool." Louis said a bit awkwardly. "Where then?"

"A ski lodge. It's where Kenny used to live so I know the layout and building pretty well. There's a kitchen and a little upper double bed which, if it's fine with everyone else, I want to sleep in because of my ankle."

"I'll speak to everyone about it when we're on our way there."

"And they even had electricity when I was there! Massive power stick things that can get really loud but it's worth it, right? Could attract a walker or two bit it means electricity."

"So proper meals? Damn. Omar would've loved that..."

"Yeah...but we can't mourn him now. He was a hero. Let's just cook to his honour, shall we?"

"Indeed my thoughtful fruit." Lou softly kissed my forehead then we walked along to the edge of the river where everyone just seemed to stop and look uneasily down at it. I was about to take the first step until Louis tugged me back. 

"Pussy." I muttered under my breath, sending the boy red. 

"Am not." He muttered back, leaning closely to me. 

"So then step into the fucking river."

"I don't want to step into the fucking river. I'd rather go in my boxers but I obviously can't." I suddenly pushed him foward into the river, causing him to fall over into the deepish water, making everyone laugh. Louis looked embarrassingly up at me which I returned with a loving, cheeky look on my face then made sure that everyone made it to the other side safely. 

Marlon helped Louis back up and hit his back, giving him the winning look. "You've both got eachother wrapped around your little fingers." He said, grinning greatly. "She's really daring, you know? Make sure that you keep that girl, she's a feisty one who really knows how to deal with a boy like you. Think she's been into someone before?"

"I think one person but he's not my problem anymore, she saw the last of him years ago."

"Last of him?"

"When she left to go get AJ back. His name was Gabe. More like Gay. I swear if he comes back and ruins our relationship-"

"Damn! I've never seen the defensive and protective side of you Lou! Your seeming like the alpha of your girl."

"And that is because I am. Because I love her more than anyone could ever in the word. She's my world, man, and no one's going to take her away from me..."

 🍋 Lemon in future chapters? 🍋 Please tell me if you want one 🥰 I honestly think that this chapter was a bit more better than the last but I honestly eventually get a bit lazy in chapters and just write a whole paragraph of plain shit or useless info. But at least they moved their legs to new territory and now everyone knows where we're heading with the storyline 😉 I'm deciding if a character should come along with a bit of a badass group 😎

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