Very Small

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Lana took a breath. She looked at Lia. "Am I Okay?" She looked at the ground. "No. I'm not okay. I don't know if I'll be okay for a while. I'm glad you're safe. But I'm upset that I didn't see the signs."
Lia looked at her mother. "How could you? I closed myself off."
Lana looked at her. "I know. I did the same thing. That's why I am so upset that I didn't see them."
Lia's phone rang. Bex looked at the called ID. "Who's Jimin?"
Lia looked at her phone. "He can wait."
Lana grabbed the phone quickly and answered. "Hello? Oh really? Are you two okay? Do you need someone to pick you up? Okay." She set the phone down. "He can't wait for too long."
Lia frowned. "Why?"
"He was on his way back over here. He picked up some kid named Yoogni when they got into a car crash."
"Are they okay?!" Lia asked.
Lana nodded. "He's okay. He needs someone to come help them though."
Lia looked at her mother. "Can someone help him?"
Lana nodded. "I'll get him." She walked to the door. "Don't overwork yourself. This burst of energy won't last too long. It's the adrenaline of everyone being here."
Lia watched Lana walk out.
Bex walked over to Lia. "Who is Jimin?"
Lia sat on the couch. "A friend."
The front door opened again.
Ginny and Josh stepped in. "Where is Lana off to?"
Lia looked at the ground. Lana was right. He energy was draining. She closed her eyes.
Bex sat next to her. Jen did so as well and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "You okay?"
Lia nodded. "Tired."
Jen kissed her head. "I know. Do you want me to bring you upstairs? I can call you down when your friends get here."
Lia shook her head. "I don't want to go upstairs." She didn't want to be in a room alone.
Jen squeezed her shoulders lightly. "Okay. I can leave if you want some quiet."
Lia froze. "No! Don't leave. Please."
Jen looked at Bex worried. "Okay. Okay I won't leave."
    Lia leaned into Jen and let the blonde hold her tightly. Lia drifted into a soft sleep.
   Jen looked at Bex. "I feel bad for Lana. This has to be hard for her."
    Bex nodded and pulled her legs up to her chest. Lana's mother walked in and sat on the chair. Fred had wandered upstairs. "I would hate not knowing if my daughter was okay."
     "Lana did the same thing." Her mother said.
   Bex looked over. "She did?"
      She nodded. "Lana ran away as soon as I found out about her disorder. She cut everyone out."
     Bex looked at Lia. "How did you get her back?"
   "I kept pushing. I kept fighting to get her to talk to me."
    Jen nodded. "You're a good mom."
She crossed her legs. "Not always."
The front door opened a little while later.
Yoongi and Jimin walked in. Lana followed. "Do you need anything? Are you two sure you're okay?"
Jimin nodded.
Lia stirred and looked at the three. "Jimin! You're back."
She sat up and winced.
Yoongi stood by the door. He rubbed his wrist unconsciously.
She looked at him. "Are you Yoongi?"
He nodded. "You're Lia. It's good to meet you."
Lia nodded.
Lana walked over to Lia. "You're awfully pale dear."
Lia stood up. Her body ached. Lana placed her hand on her daughters forehead. "You're a little warm."
Lia pulled away and walked slowly over to Jimin and Yoongi. She extended her hand out to Yoongi. "Hello."
He shook her hand gently and winced ever so slightly. Lia frowned and looked at his wrist. It was starting to swell and bruise. "Was this from the accident?"
He pulled his wrist away only to have it taken into Jimin's cool hands. "You didn't tell me you got hurt."
Lana's eyes widened. She sees to go full mother mode.
Lia rolled her eyes. "Get used to it. Mom is crazy when someone's hurt."
"She gets it from me." Lia's grandmother said.
Lia looked at the people in the room. She suddenly felt very small and the room stared spinning.
Lana looked over at Lia. Her eyes widened and she grabbed Lia before her head hit the ground.
Everything went black.

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