Supergirl The Heroin?

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After Lexa left her sisters office, she went to a separate room with Agent Griffin. She kind of knew that the FBI would come one day. Lex had done some terrible things. To Superman but also to the citizens of Metropolis. He killed people and tried to kill the Kryptonian hero several times. But in the end, he went to jail. And Lexa knew her brother. She knows that he would come after her and Lena one day. But as long as he doesn't know where they are, they're safe.

“So, you're a Luthor too?” Lexa looked at Agent Griffin and nodded.

“Why we never heard of you?”

“Because Lena made sure, that no one knows about me. She knows that I'm not a business woman and that I just want to teach children. She just want that I can have a normal life, even with my last name” she said, while got some files for Agent Griffin.

“These are our files for our security standards. I know my sister and this is the best someone could ask for security. Lena knows exactly what we need and what we don't need. Even our security guards and drivers get through a special task so they could work for us” the youngest Luthor explained while she sat down at the round table.

Normally Lena would have her conferences in this room but as long as she's not finished with the name changing of the company there won't be any meetings. She was proud of her older sister. Lena always said she's like her brother, it would be in her DNA that, one day, she would go insane too.

“Thanks Miss Luthor. I'll take them with me to talk with Agent Danvers and Director J'onzz” Clarke said, as she went through the files.

“I don't think my sister will allow something like that”

“I don't care Miss Luthor. The FBI want to be sure, that no one has a chance to be a treat for one of you both. So I'll take...” but before Clarke could end her sentence, some loud noise outside of the building was to hear. Before Clarke could stop Lexa she was already on her way to her sister.

“What happened?” Lexa asked, as she helped her sister up. After an explosion Lena stumbled and fell for a second.

“I don't know, Miss Danvers just left and just a few seconds there was an explosion outside of the building” Lena tried to stay calm because she know that her younger sister could be scared. So she tries to stay calm for both of them.

“Miss Luthor?” both of them looked to the balcony and they saw a young blond woman in a suit. Both of them directly know who it was.


“I want both of you to leave this building with Agent Griffin. It's not safe for both of you” before Lena could say, that she won't leave her office, because some people are going wild, something hit Supergirl and she flew through the room and in the wall across the balcony. It took Supergirl a few seconds, before she was back on her feet and flew out of the office.

“You both are coming with me, now!” both of the sisters looked to Agent Griffin and before Lena could react, her sister grabbed her arm and dragged her with her.

When they arrived at the lobby, Lena saw the damages of the fight on the street. A car was in her lobby and Supergirl was fighting against an alien. At least it looks like one for Lena and Lexa. Suddenly something flew directly at the three of them and before they could react, Supergirl stood in front of them and protected the three of them.

“Agent Griffin, bring them as far away from here as you can”

“On it Supergirl” the Agent said, before she dragged the siblings with her. It doesn't took her long, before they sit in a car and they drove away.

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