Chapter 6:The First Step Part 2

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While falling through the air, I held my hood down to prevent it from being blown down. I just simply looked at the ground beneath me and teleported down safely.

Y/n:"Now, let's see, North is... That way."

I pointed to where I needed to go and left.


I was sprinting through the forest looking for Yang.

Ruby:"Gotta find Yang. Gotta find Yang gotta find Yang gotta fiiiind... Yaaaang! Yaaaang!"

I kept on screaming for her.

Ruby's thoughts:"Ugh this is bad, this is really bad! What if I can't find her? What if someone finds her first? There's always Jaune... He's nice. He's funny. I don't think he's very good in a fight, though. Oh! What about Blake! So mysterious, so calm. Plus she likes books! Wait a minute... Gaster! He's super smart, he's able to hold himself in a fight, he's mysterious, and I might be able to hold a conversation with him! Ok... Who else do I know in this school? There's Gaster, Yang, Jaune, Blake, and..."

I skidded to a halt when I saw someone in front of me. We both made eye contact and noticed that it was none other than Weiss.


I was whistling a small tune while walking through the forest. I walked out from behind a bush and realized that I had walked out into a large clearing. I shrugged it off and continued walking while whistling. I stopped in my tracks when I heard a low growl echo from behind me. A smile crept up on my face.


Y/n:"Beware of the man who speaks in hands..."

He began as bright red eyes surrounded him.

Y/n:"Beware of the man who came from the other world..."

Beowulf's, Ursai, Deathstalker's, Nevermore, King Taijitu, Boarbatusk's surrounded him from every side.

Y/n:"Beware of the man who was denied of his existence..."


A small WingDing appeared next to his head before disappearing. He finally turned around and faced all of the Grimm.

Y/n:"Years worth of energy. Being consumed. Just to be here. Yet you see that which does not exist. When I entered the realm of the unknown, I lost everything. I lost everyone. I gained so much, though. It's TORTURE."

He began to slightly glitch in place.


The Grimm finally began to slowly make there way towards him. He chuckled a little, his chuckle turned into a psychotic laugh.

Y/n:"You Grimm are drawn to negative emotions, right? Anger, sadness, depression, etc."

He chuckled again.

Y/n:"Well... I have so many, I'm surprised you didn't find me in the void!"

He threw out his gloved left hand and a crimson scythe began to glitch into it.


Ozpin almost choked on his coffee when he saw the scythe appear in his hands through the scroll.

Glynda:"Are you alright, Ozpin?"

He nodded as he continued to watch the scythe.

Ozpin:"Glynda, do you see that scythe?"

She looked at the scroll in disbelief.

Glynda:"Another scythe-wielder?"

Ozpin nodded.

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