Chapter 25:Mountain Glenn

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In the late night of the dark and destroyed city, Mountain Glenn, a single Beowulf could be seen wandering around the ruins. Y/n watched it from the building they were camped in, Oobleck slept above them while the rest of team RWBY and Zwei slept around the fire.

The Beowolf looked up at him, he gave it a simple glare, the Beowolf went back to wandering around. When Ruby's watch was over, Y/n had volunteered next. Sleeping next to Ruby was Zwei. In his sleep, his ear moved, hearing something that the others could not. He sat up. The sudden movement causing Ruby to wake up.


She looked over to see Zwei awake and standing.

Ruby:"Zwei, it's late. Go back to bed. Zwei?"

She yawned. Zwei suddenly took off.


She reached out to try and grab him but he was already too far. Going after him, she slowly got up to not alert the others and grabbed her weapon. She tiredly groaned as she gave chase for Zwei, carefully sneaking away from their camp. Outside she looked around the empty building.

Ruby:"Zwei? Zwei, where are you? Zwei!"

She finally found him peeing next to a destroyed lamppost.

Ruby:"Zwei, this is a wasteland. You literally could've done that anywhere."

She said as she walked forward to him to pick him up when he finished. Zwei barked happily.

White Fang Member:"What was that?"

Ruby visually tensed up and quickly hid inside an old building. Peeking her head around the corner, she saw two White Fang members patrolling the area.

White Fang Member:"What was what?"

He asked his comrade.

White Fang Member:"I thought I heard a Beowolf or… something."

White Fang Member:"Let's just finish our patrol and get back to base. This place gives me the creeps."

They said as they left the area. Ruby left her hiding spot and followed the two, making sure she kept Crescent Rose in hand. When the two turned behind an old building, Ruby followed and peeked from the corner. Leaning forward too much, she nearly fell and almost dropped Crescent Rose. Quickly catching herself, she put Zwei out around the corner.

Ruby:"Did they go in yet? One bark means 'yes'."

She asked Zwei.




Zwei barked once. She put Zwei down when she got her answer.

Ruby:"Oh, this is it! This is it!"

She pulled her Scroll out to call her team, only to be met with 'LOW SIGNAL'.

Ruby:"Oh man! Uh… come on, we gotta get the others!"

She said to Zwei. She put her Scroll away and picked up Crescent Rose before leaving to the streets. As she took a step, the road beneath her and Zwei began to crack. The road finally gave away and fell, causing Ruby to drop her weapon. Ruby, thinking quickly, grabbed onto a ledge. Zwei was about to fall but Ruby grabbed him by the nape of his neck with her other hand. She tossed Zwei up to the stable ground and tried to pull herself back up, only for the last piece of the road to fall with her along with it. Zwei looked down into the darkness of where she fell and barked twice before whimpering.

Ruby fell for a moment before hitting the tip of a… building? Ruby quickly sat up and took in her surroundings. She was underground, that's for sure, but there was a city? Identical to the one she just fell from? A city underneath a city? Before she could say anything, a door from behind her burst open and two White Fang members had their weapons aimed at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2020 ⏰

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