13 - Nightmares & Deaths

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Liza's point of view

I wake up instantly as I hear the front door being kicked down, " David, David" I whisper shaking David whilst looking at our bedroom door. " What Liza, what's..." he was cut off from another bang coming from downstairs, we look at each other in fright. David stands up and heads for the door leaving me kneeling on the bed, holding the bump, scared out of my life."David no!" I whisper shout at him.

"Liza please stay here I don't want you to get hurt" I can tell he's trying to sound brave, but I see right through him. He's terrified. "And I don't want you to get hurt" I say stand up and walking over to him. "LIZA IM NOT LETTING YOU COME WITH, NOT ONLY IM I TRYING TO PROTECT THE BABY IM TRYING TO PROTECT YOU, EVEN IF YOU WASNT PREGNANT I STILL WOULNT LET YOU COME WITH, NOW LIZA GO GET THE GIRLS SIT IN THERE ROOM, LOCK THE DOOR AND CALL THE POLICE!" he saying almost shouting but whispering at the same time, I don't say anything but not nod my head.

We kiss each other as we slowly walk out of our door, David grabs a baseball bat, and a small hand gun he keeps in the wardrobe just in case anything like this happens. He slowly walks out with me right behind him, the girls bedrooms is two rooms away from ours (the girls rooms are connected through a bathroom) I kiss David on the cheek and tell him to be careful, he kisses me back and and quietly tip-toe into the Arias room.

When I get in I lock the door, and dash over to Aria trying to be quite, I wake her up and tell her to not make a sound, I run over to her bathroom to get to Camila rooms, when I open the door I see her already sat up staring at her door, she looks over at me with tears in her eyes. "Mom was going on??" She asks "come and sit in Arias room now please!" I reply whilst locking her bedroom door, she quickly but quietly runs into Arias room, getting in her bed. I rush back in the room, grab Arias phone and call 911.

The phone felt like it the phone had been ringing for years but it's was only a few seconds when the operator answered.

Liza: Hello.. hello... I need the police please!! Someone has broke into my house

Operator: ok stay calm, can I have your address please

Liza: yeh it's 1128 West Blvd (made up address)

Operator: ...

Liza: hello... hello is anyone there!!

Operator: Goodbye l..Liza... s..ay good..bye to da..vid

Liza: what!!

The phone line went dead.

'Who the hell was that and what do they mean say goodbye to... DAVIDS DOWNSTAIRS!!'


Liza, aria and camellias head flung to look at the door, they jumped off the bed and opened the door, it was silent, too silent.

"LIZAAAA where are youuuu babyyy"

'That's not David' Liza thought.

The three girls walked quietly out of the door.

Standing at the bottom of the steps was David... but he wasn't blinking, nor moving it was as if someone was holding him up behind him...

"David?" I said questionably.

"Dad?" The girls said quietly behind me.

We started walking slowing down the steps towards "David". "David are you ok?" I said but I knew as I got closer it wasn't my David.


That's when he dropped him!

Standing there was the brown haired, blue eyed, devil ...
...my abusive ex boyfriend, Liam.

"hello babe I knew u would be here" he said slyly. Putting his hand behind his back and before I could say anything...


Aria and Camilla dropped to the ground!

"NOOOO" I scream sitting at the side off them, thats when tears stream down my face as the shock off it all wears off.

"My baby girls... my pookie David" I chock out kissing each off there foreheads as I watch them all go into the light...

I had nothing left... the 3 most important things in my life had gone... but my unborn baby...

"Liza baby it's me, we can be together now, a family" Liam says getting closer to me and pointing at my baby bump.

I stop Stroking the girls hair but still keep hold of David's hand. "Excuse you, this is not your baby, this is DAVIDS BABY AND THE GIRLS' SIBLING, THIS BABY WILL NEVER KNOW YOU JUST LIKE THESE GIRLS DIDNT!!!!!"

His face dropped into the devil angry face, I remember before he used to hit me. "One last chance Liza come with me, and we will be a family." He reply's through his gritted teeth.

"No!" I say sternly. I look at the blood all over the floor, that is my family's, my worlds blood. I look over at David and think about all the happy memories, he was a great father and husband, and he was so excited to welcome another little bundle of joy. And the girls were so beautiful, intelligent, young girls who had a great life ahead of them, just like David they were both so excited to have another little sibling, it was everything we dreamed of, to have the perfect family, and we did, we still do, except... there not here anymore... it's just me... and the...

Pain shot through me, like someone had ripped open my chest to get to my heart, I grabbed where the pain was and look at my hand... blood...

He'd shot me.

I started to feel weak.
I couldn't feel anything.
My whole body went numb.
My eyes started to flicker.
I tried to stay sitting up.
But my body wouldn't let me.

"That's what you get you slut for not obeying me! Have fun with your family in hell!" The cold breeze of his breath on my ear made me shiver.

I could see the shadow off him move closer to my lips... his breath brushed against my lips and...

"LIZA!" I woke to David shouting my name, "are you okay you was screaming and flinching."

It was a dream.

"Where's the girls!" I say quickly. "There fast asleep in bed, I've just been to check on them, you were saying their names, are you okay?" He replies.

I fling myself into his arms and a few tears escape from my face. "I am now that l'm with you" I choke out between tears, David kisses my forehead and holds my baby bump, we stay like this for awhile as I was too afraid to go back to sleep.

It was all a dream.
Liam was years ago.
The girls don't know about him.
...David does.
Liam went to prison.
So why did I have that dream.
But It felt so real...

I won't  tell David about my dream as I don't want him to worry, it was only a one time nightmare, was it?

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