14- Again and again

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Lizas point of view

My eyes flung open as I sat up straight, so quick I went dizzy, I had the same dream again it's been around 2 weeks since I first had the dream and I've had it each night since then, I haven't told anyone about it, including David, but now I'm worried as to why I keep having it? Is it just nerves? Is it from being pregnant? I just don't understand.

I haven't seen Liam in years, after years of abusive from him, he finally got sentenced to prison and I haven't heard anything about him since, and I don't want too! I just want to know why I keep dreaming about him and why he keeps hurting my family.

I jump as the door flings open. "Hey, it's only me, I wanted to see if you was awake and bring you some breakfast" David explains as he looks confused as to why I was jumpy all of a sudden. He walks over to me and passes me a plate with some pancakes, fruit and some juice. "David this looks amazing, thank you so much" I reply as I lean towards David placing a kiss on his cheek. "Anything for you" David answers with a huge smile on his face. The smile that dreads all... he had no idea what's going on in my mind, the dreams I've been having, all I can think of is what if they mean something, like a warning or a timer for something. I'll just pray that I'm wrong.

"What are you doing today" I ask David covering my mouth while I eat.

"I thought maybe we could go shopping for some baby clothes" David's answers laughing at me whilst I eat my breakfast nearly as a whole.

"What about the girls, their at school today, they will be crushed if we go without them" I reply, I want the girls to be as much involved as possible, their so excited and I want to go through this pregnancy as a family.

"Ah see my love this is where I though ahead of you, when we pick them up from school later on, we can go straight to the mall and make a day of it. Do some baby and nursery shopping and having some dinner out" David replies, a huge smile beaming from his face, he's so excited for this new baby and it just makes me so happy.

I laugh and look away feeling kinda emotional, "You have thought ahead haven't you" I laugh gentle playfully pushing David's arm, "But that sounds like an amazing idea."

David's point of view

Liza's smile in this moment may look like a happy, carefree person enjoying life with no questions being asked, but I'm her husband, I know when there's something wrong, and there is something wrong.
I don't ask any questions because I believe she will tell me in her own time.

But I just want to help her.

I love her and I hate seeing her suffer alone when something wrong and she won't tell me.

But if I know Liza, and I do, she will tell me when she's ready, and I'll be by her side no matter what the problem is. Forever and always.

Liza's point of view

"So you got any plans whilst the girls are at school?" David asks me with a grin as he steals a pancake of my plate. "HEY!" I shout at him trying to grab the pancake as he shoves it all in his mouth, shrugging acting like he did nothing wrong, I cross my arms and pout like a child. "Come on, you can't stay mad at me forever, we have two daughters and your carrying our third" David says laughing at me.
"Damn you Dobrik" I sigh whilst finishing of the last few pieces of my breakfast that David didn't get his hands on.

"So any plans? Or are you just going to relax at home and do some editing?" David's asks again, I open my mouth to answer but I'm cut off by my phone vibrating on the bedside table next to me.

I pick up my phone and my eyes widen as I read the caller ID.

"It's Dr Long" I worriedly say to David. "Answer it then, quickly" he gestures to the phone in my hand.

My hand shakes as I press the answer button and raise the phone to my ear.

David's point of view

I can tell Liza is worried as to why Dr long is calling at this time in the morning, and if I'm going to be honest, so am I. We don't have another midwife appointment for another 2 weeks, and that's when we find out the gender.

"Hello?" Liza says down the phone, her voice quivering as she answers.

I start hearing Dr Long chatter on the other end of the phone.

"Is there a problem with the baby?!" Liza asks abruptly, I shoot up so I'm kneeling on the bed, getting head rush, not realising how quickly I moved, my heart pounds as that questions leaves liza's lips.

"Oh good, you had me all worried for a second then," I relax as Liza gives me the thumbs up to let me know everything is okay.

"Woah, woah, woah, slowed down for a second, what!" Liza's eyes widen, I start panicking again but Liza holds her hand up to me as if she's letting me know there's nothing to worry about.

"Oh my god, wow, no no it's okay don't worry about it, oh my god! Okay thank you so much, I'll let him know and I'll see you in two weeks. Thank you!" Liza squeals as shes presses the end button and throws her phone on the bed.

I stare at her in confusion waiting for her to talk, she runs her hands through her hair as if she has a million different thoughts in her head and doesn't know where to start.

"So? You gonna tell me or is this another game of guess what the Doctor said till David starts panicking!" I ask staring at Liza not knowing whether I should be scared or relaxed.

She looks at me and a happy wide smile appears on her face, so full of joy.

"David" liza's sighs as if she trying to find the right words.

"We're not having A baby..."

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