Sweet love (harry styles)

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Chapter 1

Sarah's pov:

As I take a seat on the airplane flying to London I give the ladie sitting next too me a smile. She smiles back. As soon as I slide my carry on bag and purse under the seat of the plane I grab my blue iPhone 5 and plug in my head phones so I can listen to some of my music. The first song that plays is she looks so perfect by 5sos. SHE LOOKS SO PERFECT STANDING THERE IN MY AMARACIAN OPARO UNDER WEAR AND I KNOW NOW I almost scream out loud before I remember I'm on a airplane. I'm not a huge fan of 5sos but I do like there songs . The flight atendiant startled me as she taped on my shoulder. I look and and quickly remove my head phones to listen to what she has to say "can u pleas put your phone away or turn it to airplane mode where about too take off ?" She said with a smile. So I said "ya" and turned it on airplane mode.

I few hours later I was in the London airport standing waiting for my laugage. I waited for about 20 minutes too my laugage not showing up. I went too ask a worker and he said "your laugage is just lost it should be here in too days" SHOULD BE HERE IN 2 DAYS I say widening my blue eyes .

Well I guess it gives me an excuse to go too the mall! I walk too the front of the airport too call a cab. About 2 minutes later a cab pulls up (talk about fast survice) I get in and tell him " rows well hotel and sweets" and in about 5 minutes I'm there. I grab my purse and carry on bag out of the cab and say thanks to Carl (the cab driver) then walk to the hotel doors.

As I walk in my mouth dropped at how beautiful the lobby was! It was huge with a fire place,fancy furniture ,shadelier and an amazing colour wall paper. I make my wat too the front desk and register too my 4 week stay and the lady behind the desk gives me 2 room cards and the wifi pass word . I make my way up to the 6th floor where my room was then looked for my room. 1122. I see 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122! I unlock my room door then walk in.

My mouth drops once agian too the sight of my room. It was beautiful! Just like the lobby. A fire place, fancy furniture , nice wall paper, nice bed spred and a huge tv. I lay my stuff on the floor and dive onto my king sized bed and turn on the tv. I relax for a few minutes before leaving too walk to the mall. I'm ganna walk because it's only a 5-10 minute walk so what ever .

I take the elivater to the lobby and exit through the main door and walk too the mall. Once I get to the mall I walk into the food court first but don't get anything because I'm going out too supper (by my self cause I'm a loner😓) and I don't wanna get full before .... CHINNESE FOOD! My Favorite of all food ! So I walk right past and go to the stores.

The first store I see was Claire's my Favorite store I went in and go right to the close section I don't see anything so I walk out not even looking at the accessories. Then I see H&M and go in. I see a few things I like and try it on. I bought 2 shirts. I descover the mall for a few hours then it's 5:30 time for supper! I get a cab for 8$ because it's a 25 minute walk.

When I get there I jump out and say thanks too the cab driver. I walk in to the buffet place and get seated by a nice girl Probrably my age. She asks me what to drink and I say "water please" then I walk up and get my first surving of food. I eat my first plate rather fast and my second plate slower to charish it because I don't wanna get thirds I'll get fat. After I'm done I get some desert because it looks so good. After eating alote of desert I'm stuffed so I decide to walk back too the hotel too burn off some calories .

When I get back to the hotel I get in bed and text karmyn my only Good friend really. We texted each other tell about 11:00 then I had to say bye. I wasn't tierd yet so I read for awhile . I started my new "fault in our stars" book then turn the lights off and go to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2014 ⏰

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