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[ chapter one: what the actual fuck ]

     "Date me."

The short black-haired menace known as Lee Jihoon stands unmoving before him, dark fringe covering most of his eyes and pink lips turned into a scowl. Something about the fierce determination swimming in his eyes let's Soonyoung know that he isn't currently imagining things.

"Excuse me—what the fuck?" Soonyoung chokes out, catching the attention of a few other students that are milling around in the hallway. Behind Jihoon, Soonyoung can see the sun just barely beginning to rise in the distance, the sky changing from chilly muted blues to warm way-too-fucking-bright yellow.

It's too damn early on a Monday morning.

Originally, the blond was supposed to get to school before classes started so he could run to the empty studio and clean up the dance routine he choreographed. It's a piece he's been working on for quite a while and he wants it to look as perfect as possible. What he didn't expect was a short garden gnome to grab his wrist before he could even properly get past the front gates and drag him down the closest hallway.

"Are you deaf? I said date. me." Jihoon growls aggressively, punctuating each syllable with a finger poke to the chest.

"Are you on drugs right now?" Soonyoung quips, regretting all of his life choices. Jihoon lets out an exasperated huff and Soonyoung scoffs at the audacity. Excuse Soonyoung for being a little slow but the two are enemies.

Like, not to be dramatic, almost-actually-kill-eachother kind of enemies.

If you were to ask anybody, no one really knows how this all started. One second Soonyoung was living his best life; captain of his jr. dance team, getting good grades, having a relatively active social life. Then, suddenly there was a new kid at school.

Soonyoung doesn't identify himself as someone that generally dislikes people without a knowing them first, but for some reason he found it unsettlingly easy to hate Lee Jihoon. From the second the boy walked into class with his ombre fringe and faded bruno mars tee shirt he just knew. Their eyes found each other like magnets and they both had scowled.

You could call it fate.

Since then the two have constantly been at each others throats, graduating from petty comments and light teasing to full on death threats and fist fights.

They were enemies. The whole school knows it. They're never allowed to be within five feet of each other. Teachers always make sure to keep them on opposite sides of the classroom, students give up their lunch tables just to avoid having to witness yet another fight.

So excuse him for acting like his world just got turned upside down because, essentially, it has.

"No I'm not on drugs you dumbass." Soonyoung glares, but Jihoon ignores it.

"It's a simple request, your stupid ass is going to date me. There. Done."

"Not there. done." Soonyoung hisses, crossing his arms over his chest. "There's no way in hell I'm dating your ugly ass. I'd rather deep throat a knife."

Jihoon smiles, fucking smiles, as if the thought of his enemy actually deep throating a knife brings pleasure to him, and Soonyoung contemplates punching him in the face.

"Look," Jihoon begins, running a hand through his unruly black hair, brushing it off his forehead only to have it flop back into his eyes. "Mingyu said that if you and I were to ever date we'd end up killing each other by the end of the week. When I tried to tell him to fuck off, he dared me, said if I could last three months with you he would give up his Tesla, and you know how much he loves that car."

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