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Lol Yh I'm busy don't judge me
George x Alex, Alex being the sub & openly bi already :)

*Alex's PoV*
I'm actually fucked right now. I'm hanging out with George, watching a movie. But I'm not really paying attention, because I have the biggest crush on George, I'm super horny and my imagination is running overdrive thinking about how hard he could fuck me- I cut my thought off. If I imagine any more I'll end up with a hard on.

Well shit, look at that.

Too late.

Now I'm sat at a strange angle, trying to hide my erection from George without being too obvious. It's really uncomfortable, but it's fine- if George saw I think I'd die from embarrassment. "Alex, you ok?" My head snaps upward at the sound of his voice and I internally slap myself. He's straight. Get that into your thick skull! I think to myself, willing my dick to just... Not. I didn't even realise that he'd paused the film and I was staring into nothing. I shifted my position again and held back a wince of pain, I was basically crushing my dick and it reaaaaally fucking hurt! "I'm fine" I hear myself breathe, trying to mask the gasp that escaped my mouth with the words. "Are you sure...? You seem in pain, and I'd hate that to be the case 'cuz I car..." He mumbled near the end and I couldn't tell what he was saying. I still blushed though, he cared? George is so sweet, and nice, and funn- "come to my room and play some games?"
It's more of a statement than a question, which weirdly turns me on even more- I'm a sub...
"Yeah sure!" I smile, I can't say no to George. Let's hope he takes the lead so he won't... See.

*Georges PoV*
I get up and move into the corridor, hearing Alex move behind me. He seems a little shy/sad today, maybe he's just tired, but- I don't like to see Alex upset like this. I care, y'know? Probably more than friends should, the kind where I want to cuddle with him and tell him everything is going to okay. Like- like boyfriends. I haven't come out to anyone yet, but I think I'll tell Alex first. Tonight. Maybe even ask him on a date... I reach my bedroom door and turn to look at Alex who has a heavy blush on his face.

*Alex's short PoV*
Don't look down, don't look down! God please don't let him look down for fucks sake.
I flash a quick shy smile, best and worst mistake of my life.

*Georges PoV*
I look down, blushing from his smile. He makes my insides do backflips. Then, I, uh, notice.
A (may I add large) tent in his pants. 'Fuck,' I think. 'That's hot.'
"Uh, George! How about we play those games now, yeah?!" I can hear the panic in his voice. Do I make him nervous? Fuck, that's so cute.

If he's going to be the nervous one, I've got to be the confident one. "What wrong Alex? You seem... Uncomfortable." I say, pretending not to realise he's got an erection. "Nothing!" His voice is a pitch higher, as per usual when he's lying. I walk towards him, a concerned expression on my face. I place my hand on his shoulder and I can feel him tense from my touch. I hug him, moving my arms to around his higher back. and whisper in his ear; "Whatever it is Alex I'm here for you, ok? I might not be the most serious, but I care about you, y'know?" His breaths are shallow, and they get quicker when I move one hand to his lower back and one to his chest. "Your heart beat is fast, are you okay?" I down at him (I may be short but he's shorter), putting on my best innocent look. His face is pink, and I laugh. "Why are you blushing?" He blushes even more at my comment, replying. "W-well I-I...!" He stop stuttering completely when I drop the hand on his back to his upper thigh. "G-George..." I smirk, and I remove my other hand from his chest to place it- right on his hard cock.

*Narrative PoV*
Alex gasps, bucking his hips for more friction as George rubs him through his jeans. "F-fuck George..." He moans,
"M-more..." George stops and steps back. Alex whines, but as George heads to his room he eagerly follows. When they're inside, George connects their lips, and Alex melts into him. George grips his ass and he moans. At this point, the kiss had gone from passionate to desperate. "G-George... A-ah...!" He loses his train of thought when he feel George's hard cock against his own. "Use your words baby." He whispers.
"George you don't know how long I've wanted this for!" Alex half moans.
"Fucking hell Alex your moans turn me on so much." He says, biting his lip.
"C- can I..."
"Words Alex!" George wanted to fuck Alex, he was getting impatient. Alex flushes pink, it was embarrassing to ask. George kisses him lovingly, reassuring him apologetically . Alex moans into it, and before he knows it George is breaking apart taking both their clothes off. "So, you going to finish what you started? Or are you just going to stare?" George said nonchalantly, as if they weren't naked (except for boxers) in front of each other, so close if one of them moved forward less than an inch- they would be intertwining tongues again. "H-huh?! I wasn't staring! I was... Um..." Alex started to get flustered, embarrassed and self conscious. He removed his arms from around Georges neck and wrapped them around his mid section, going slightly pink in the cheeks. "Oi. No need to be embarrassed. You're beautiful. We don't have to do this if you don't-"
"I do want to. More than anything. I just... It's embarrassing, what I want to say- to call you. If you don't like that then I could ruin everything-!" George cuts him off by pushing him onto the bed and hovering over him. "Alex I don't give a shit what you call me. But I'm getting impatient and I want to be inside you." He growled into the younger boy's ear, making him whimper. "P-please..."
"Because you asked so nicely~"
He got up and fetched some lube out of his closet, kept under a bunch of clothes so nobody would find it easily. "Why do you ha-" Alex tried to question, but George interrupted. "Did I say you could fucking speak?" Alex instantly closed his mouth, biting his lip to further prevent himself from saying anything. "Hmm? You're usually a bit more... 'You can't tell me what to do', Alex. What are you, a submissive?" George watches as Alex turns pink and nods slightly. "That's cute. You gonna do whatever I say?" Alex nods frantically, watching George squirt some of the lubricant onto his fingers. He climbs back on top of Alex and kisses him roughly. "Ready?" Alex nods again, feeling George slip a finger inside of him. He moans, muffled by Georges own mouth. More fingers enter him, and his moans get loud and more constant. George found the spot that made Alex's eyes shoot open and made him moan for more. "More-!" George stops, and Alex whines. "You speak again and you don't get to cum. You only speak when I give you permission or you're begging. Got that?"

"Yes daddy~"

Alex couldn't stop himself, and he looks at George for a reaction. "Fuck... That's so hot..." Alex sighs in relief at George's reaction, pulling George down to kiss him again. George pulled away to get a condom, but Alex whined for no. "Kinky whore aren't you?" George whispered, nibbling on his neck. "Y-yes daddy~" Alex moaned again, George still nibbling gently on his neck. Alex wrapped his legs around Georges torso, begging for him. "P-please daddy, I n-need you so badly~!" He put his hands around Georges neck.
"Tell me when to move baby, okay?"
Alex nods, George pushing into him. He stays still for a minute before Alex nods for him to move. His thrusts quicken and Alex moans again and again, pulling George in to kiss him. They pull apart to breathe and then George finds Alex's spot, the one that makes him a moaning mess- talking, begging and moaning uncontrollably. "F-fuck daddy your so good, f-faster please, I need more, want more, p-please d-daddy-!" Georges thrusts get faster and lazier, and he throws his head back in pleasure. Alex's back arches in pleasure "Please daddy I need to cum~"
"Fuck baby I'm going to as well-" he leans down and kisses Alex sweetly as he cums inside of him, Alex quickly following and cumming on his chest. George pulls out and collapses next to Alex. "Fuck Alex you are so good." Alex smiles weakly. "Um, I'm gay..." He admits, and Alex laughs. "No shit George. You just fucked me so hard I'm not going to be able to walk to the shower!" George emits a low hum. "I'll carry you, yeah?"
"Yeah. I love you George."
"Love you too."

Word count- 1558

A/n 🙃🔫

Ok so I feel kinda gross bc it's so cringe, don't know why you lot read it really.
Next ones a Quackity x reader so prepare yourselves I guess. It's gonna take a while bc I'm busy and lazy...
I just sinned myself into hell, come join,
~If x

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