Chapter Two

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Once the entrance exams were finished Selim plopped back in her seat with a Sigh, normal classes start soon. The days turned into weeks. And already this school was irritating her to no end. Everyone non stop was talking about the upcoming sports festival and by no means was she willing to go, she didn't want to. It's a school for heroes in training yet she felt more like a Guinea pig in a lab. Although she has to admit this place is amusing her more than she expected, first a sludge villain attacks right before the entrance exam, seeing All Might in all his glory she'd be lying if she claimed she didn't look up to him in a way. The Hero father was supposed to be, pure hearted and strong, with good intentions. It baffles her how quickly media attention and fame can do that so easily to someone. Maybe Adden just wasn't meant to be a hero of true possibilities. Her gaze fell on the students returning from the cafeteria, she came to learn more about her classmates from afar, some of them not speaking very good English but hey at least they try, one girl in particular reminds her of Alice in a way, Ochako was her name. Sweet as she is endearing, and full of life. Her sheer determination is overlooked due to those believing that she is too fragile. But Selim admitted to herself that she has spunk, and a firecracker just ready to lit her fuse. She gave Selim a fist pump and Selim merely ghosted a smile on her face. The Quirk apprehension test was coming soon, Selim knew she had to use her quirk eventually, Its been a while since she used it. Looking down at her hand resting on the table she felt her fingers together and only sighed.

"Hey." She looked at her intruder, Eijiro was his name. Quite Chivalrous for his age, definitely easy on the eyes too. "Sup." He was greeted by Midoriya before he gave her back his attention. "So, the Sports Festival will be coming up after The simulation Joint, was wondering if you wanted to be partners in training?" She had to give him credit, his English has gotten better in such a short period. She chuckled and leaned in her seat giving him a smirk of approval. "Wow Eiji, been practicing I see ? All for me too? You're just too much." She looked away bashfully with her hand over mouth, imitating what she felt was maybe a flirt? She wasn't sure, on the other hand Eijiro quickly looked away scratching his neck, a faint blush dusting his cheeks. "Ye-yeah well, I got to for you, it wouldn't be fair being our classmate and not even make an effort to learn your language." He was so embarrassed, here he is a blushing mess. Especially the nickname she gave him. What the hell is he supposed to do? He needs to step his game up. "So, waddya say?" She dropped her façade and looked up at his red orbs. As if she was searching for something, She nodded in acknowledgment at his proposal, he let out a sigh of relief and sat down behind her to ask her another question. "So your quirk, what does it do? Is it flashy?" He gave her a hearty toothy grin, which she thought was too cute. But only looked way going silent. She didn't know how to explain her ability. Even her Teacher Aizawa claimed to have never seen a quirk such as hers before. She turned around giving him her full attention. "It gives me the ability to freely move my blood and use it in battle." She said deadpan. He looked at her for a minute and laughed, "I'm sorry, I swear I was not trying to be rude, but... Blood?" She nodded in understanding, she had the same reaction from principal Nezu. "I know it sounds strange, just watch." She pulled out a small pocket knife from her bag, unsheathed it and cut a small slit from her index finger, Eijiro flinched seeing that she has to self injure herself in order to use her quirk, but as that thought left his mind he was soon in Awe, watching carefully as the blood seeped from her small cut and began to swirl delicately around her hand, and soon began to form something. He leaned closer, the action gaining attention from a few other classmates and a teacher speaking to Aizawa, both Vlad King, Aizawa and the students approached the small show. Her blood began to do various actions, dancing around her hand and began making shapes of people dancing around a fire, "Wow." Was all Eijiro could muster, Ochako and Tsuyu gaped and Midoriya was taking notes in his book pad mumbling to himself, causing Kaminari to look at him uneasily. "Can.. It do other things?" Eijiro asked in complete bewilderment, never has he seen something beautiful and unique before. Selim let out a hum. Concentrating carefully she allowed more blood to come from the cut and formed a red butterfly flapping its wings. "You always get the good shit Aizawa." Vlad exclaimed with venom in his tone. Needless to say, he wished she was his student. "Oh shut it old man." "Hmfp." Was all Vlad could respond.

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