Chapter 15~Royalty

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My lips thin into a grim line as I stare into the blue eyes of a grinning Apollo.

"What do you want?" I snarl. The metal door slams behind me. Apollo casually glances at me. The only items separating us are a metal table and two chairs that are bolted to the floor.

"Have a seat." Apollo gestures to the chair across from him. Rage and happiness fill me at seeing my ex-best friend. Could he be trying to save me?

I shake my head to get rid of that awful thought. He betrayed me. I wearily take a seat across from him. Making sure that my eyes hold defiance, I glare up at him.

Apollo sighs. "You don't have to look at me like that, Ar. I know you've been crying."

Silence fills the room. I repeat "he betrayed me" in my head over and over. There's no reason I should reply to him.

Apollo lifts his hand and brings it close to my cheek. I violently flinch as his hand traces my bruise. My eyes close briefly, enjoying the touch from my friend.

Memories flow in of Axel. Axel should be the one touching me like this, not Apollo. My eyes flicker open and I grab Apollo's hand. "No. Don't touch me." I rip his hand from my cheek. It stings. I can't tell what hurts more: my cheek or my heart.

Apollo's sweet face transforms into a snarl. "You think you're so special, don't you?"

I sigh and rub my temples, feeling a headache coming on. "You were my best friend. How could you betray me? I never knew I was special!" My voice breaks the thick tension in the air.

Apollo sneers and turns his nose up. "Why would I care about the filth that caused the war in the first place?"

Anger floods through my veins and explodes in my head. My vision turns red as I narrow my eyes at Apollo. "I never asked for this life. I didn't choose to be the White Stag!" I spat.

His face moves in so close I can smell his shaving cream. "Thousands of my people are dead because of your mutts." His ragged breath speeds up. "My mother died because of your mutts!"

Abruptly, I stand up. "They are not mutts! They are people, and they have feelings!" I scream.

Apollo's fists coil and his breathing becomes labored as he glares at me. His wings flap in and out. In a split second, he flies across the room and slams me into the wall. His large hands wrap around my throat, squeezing tightly. He leans down and growls in my ear, "You better remind yourself who is in control, little deer."

I grit my teeth. The blood drains quickly from my face. Apollo drops me onto the floor. His wings beat down on me, making my hair fly wildly.

"I was never your friend. And I will never be."

I desperately search his eyes for the old Apollo I knew. The one who loves baking and has a good heart. The man staring back at me is broken beyond belief.

Apollo glides over to the door and bangs on it. Guards answer. He points to me and says, "Take her back."

A few of the guards bow to him. "Of course, your Highness," one of them murmurs.

They storm into the room and yank me up on my feet. I yell out loud as they drag me away.

"Your fucking royalty?!" Angry tears threaten to spill over my eyes.

Apollo watches me being dragged away. "Why wouldn't I be?"

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