Chapter 17~Coin

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Axel's face appearing in the small mirror sends me a flash of hope. Even though I know he is miles away, it feels like he's in the cell with me. My mouth opens in disbelief as I continue to examine the mirror. His image is faint but it is definitely there. How is this possible? Not even molecular physics could explain this.

"Hello?" His faint voice floats through the room. My eyes tear up and I answer hoarsely, "I'm here." I put my head in my hands. I might a chance of escaping now.

The voice in the mirror sighs with relief. "Thank goodness you're safe." I calmly sniffle as I run my hands down the frame of the rustic mirror.

"I was caught by Apollo. I'm being held hostage," I blurt out. I have a feeling that he already knows what happened, but I can't help saying it aloud.

There is a small pause. "I know. I'm mirror-imaging you to send you an object."

I coil my fists in frustration. Anger from the past night resurfaces. "So, it wasn't me who managed to mirror-image you?" Helplessness fills up my chest. I thought I was able to use some of my powers, but I was wrong.

"No." A clearer image emerges and I can make out the frame of his face. "I was the one who contacted you."

I nod my head and lower my gaze. How did I believe that I can use magic? After all, I am just a normal girl.

Axel clears his throat. "I'm going to send you a small object. Find somewhere to hide it on your body."

"Ok. How will this help me?" I ask. The walls feel as if they are closing in and Axel is about to leave me alone again.

The silhouette of a hand runs along his face. "Questions later," Axel answers. "I want you to turn away from the mirror while I do this."

The stubborn part of me tells me not to do what he says, but this object that he's sending me might be the only thing that can help.

Hoping that it's something useful, I turn around and cross my arms.A second later, a bright light shines through the room. Heat sizzles on the back of my arms. The fringe of my thin dress is charred a slight brown.

I spin around in fury. Perched in front of the mirror is a dime-sized coin-shaped object. The scent of burning metal emits off the coin which makes me cough and glance back at the mirror.

The image of Axel on the mirror is completely gone.

"Axel?" I cautiously whisper into the room.

When no response greets me, my hands coil in frustration. Why hasn't anything gone my way lately?

The coin slowly cools off as I pace around the room. Thoughts race in and out of my mind. How can a small coin possibly help me escape?

My frustration ebbs away within the passing minutes. I know any minute now that the guards will be coming around to do round inspections. A sigh escapes me as I approach the silver coin.

I crouch down to get a better look. The same wolf crest that was on the cloak I was wearing the night I was taken is etched into the coin. The design is beautiful and makes me feel sentimental.

A stray tear races down my cheek and I wipe it away. Not now, I think, picking up the coin and running my fingers along the symbol. A wave of calmness overcomes me.

"Inspection!" the voice on the speaker screams into my ear. The steel door slams open along with all the other cells in the block.

A feeling of panic flows over me. If they find the coin, they will take it away and they will question me about how I got it.

A plan forms in my head. The coin is only the size of a dime. The guards are always thorough with their searches. It only takes a second for me to find the perfect place to hide the small object.

I put it in my palm and I casually put it in my mouth before stepping outside of my prison cell. It takes me a few moments to position it underneath my tongue. Hopefully I can talk normally like this.

A man wearing thick armor thuds down the dark hallway glancing at every prisoner. The massive wings on his back twitch slightly as he walks past me. Two of the Leviathans following him rush forward and grab me by the arm. The act catches me by surprise.

I choke and fight against the Leviathan who is trying to cover my mouth. I cough as my eyes water. Squeezing my eyes shut, I use all my strength to stop coughing.

The episode ends when the pressure on my arms grows. The man in front of me drags me down the main prison hall. I'm dragged through the maze-like structure until we come upon a large double door. The paint is chipping off and peeling away. The Leviathan opens the door.

Standing in the middle of the dark room is a stone table with five thick leather straps positioned where the limbs of a human would go. A green fire is lit in the background and is burning without any wood. Sitting on a chair beside the stone table is a large knife with strange carvings on it.

My heart leaps like a rabbit. I fight against the guards but they overpower me and yank me into the room.

"What's going on?" I shout out to nobody in particular.

The man who lead me here silently saunters to the front of the room, humming. He ignores me as I continue to struggle against my captors.

"Little deer, there is no need to be afraid." He turns around.

The green fire is reflected in the knife as he holds it above his head, ready to slit my throat open.

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