Episode 4: Season 3

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In the plant looking castle was the Ten Commandments. After the defeat of the second Albion the commandment of truth took it upon himself to be cocky and say he was ready for a fight against one of the people that took down the tool. Even though he was not fully ready for the fight, he believed that he could take on Meliodas  and the others or King and Ban.

"Looks like the Albion's been destroyed." Zeldris looked that the commandment that is in Dreyfus' body.  "Two of them actually. In separate locations."

"Who cares about those things, anyway? They're just ancient toys, ravaged with rust." 

Galan of Truth laughed. "How amusing."

"What is it you find so funny?" 

"Who would ever imagined, even now there would still be people who'd stand against the demon race?" The commandment stood up from his spot. "Right, I'm off."

"You're not really thinking of heading out with you magical power still depleted?"

"Why not, It'll be a warm up exercise. Or do you actually think they'll defeat me?"

Merascylla of Faith sighed. Zeldris stands up from hearing the commotion. He appears infant of Galan. "Now wait. Have you forgotten it was this arrogance that led to the Ten Commandments being sealed in disgrace?"

"Well, memory loss in old men can be quite sever, you know?"

"So, Which direction will you go?" Gloxinia of Repose asked.

"Hmm, let me see." Zeldris looked down crossed his arms and sighed. 

"I noticed something north-west of here. I detecter Power Levels almost double the Albion's.  The one south of us was strange,because that Albions seemed like it self-destructed. Like its own power slammed right back into it." He said with a hint of humor in his voice. 

"Hmm, Thanks a lot!" Galan patted the Commandment of Repose on the head. "I've decided." Galan shot up into the sky leaving a trail of dust in his path.


"The Ten Commandments. Sealed away in ancient times, the Demon King's hand-picked elite troops. Now these colossal monsters began moving because those same Ten Commandments have been released from a 3,000-year-old seal?" The king of Camelot said looking up at the giant bottom half of the demon's toy. "Is that  that you're telling me?" He asked Meliodas. 

"I don't blame you for not believing me right away, but it's all true." Meliodas said to the group.

"Indeed, if we haven't seen that beast with our own eyes, it would be impossible to believe." A soldier said. 

"To think that accent Britannia had monsters like this roaming the continent. It's terrifying." 

Diane looked at her Captian. "If that is the case, Captain, then the Ten Commandments, who created the Albions, are even stronger, right?? Diane the Sin of Envy, the Serpent sin, looked at the Dragon Sin with worry, "D-do we stand a chance against enemies with such overwhelming power?"

"My goodness, even the form of Hendrickson we faced the other day seemed sweet by comparison. Right Gowther?" The last member of the Roars of Dawn asked. 

Diane eyes glazed over. She blinked in confusion. She put her finger to her forehead and closed her eyes. 

Hawk, the Captain to Scarp Disposal laughed, "Aren't you guys forgetting something? As long as we have Meiodas' attack, we can crush any enemy, can't we?"

"Yes, that's right! Absolutely Sir Pig! That attack was incredible." Arthur yelled.

Meliodaas laughed. "It wasn't really my attack, though. It's Sacred Treasure Loatvayne's special ability. It's called Physical Clone, see?" Meliodas swung his sword making four more of him. 

"There are so many of Sir Meliodas." Elizabeth said. "Is this an illusion?" 

"I wonder if it is?" Meliodas had a perverted face on. 


Que Perverted Meliodas, I'm not gonna write that because... I don't like it, Uncomfortable. 

You know what? I'm just gonna skip this all until, Gowther does the illusion thing. It's all pretty boring and I don't feel satisfied. 

In the meantime, enjoy yourself being amazing. 


"Okay, Mr. Bear." (Y/N) took a deep breath. "Who should I go to first? Should I go to the two demons or to the ex-demon?"

The bear looks at you with thoughtful eyes. It studied your movements when you said both of the choices. So far you could tell he didn't like either of the choices. 

A bunny jumped up into your arms and started to climb to your head. It brushed its pastel pink nose onto your nose. The bunny looked at you straight in the eye before leaning its forehead onto yours. "You said you were gain wait."

You chuckled at the bunny's words. "Little one, something bad will happen to both of the groups if I don't stop them. We don't know the outcome to life, but be know some possible outcomes. Right now, if they were to get into fight, it would bring devastation to everyone around them. They as well don't know the true story of Meliodas, or the why he did what he did." You took a deep breath, "I don't want them to kill each other for a misunderstanding. I need to do what must be done."

The bunny sighed along with the other animals in the forest that surrounded you. "You do what you must to survive in this world. That rule applies to every living thing in this world, even the plants that are all around us. It is the rule of life. You must understand, you are responsible for yourself. If they choose to tell the full story they will, but for now, you must rethink."

The wind blow through the fur of the beast of the forest around you. Voices rang through your head. The cries of the children that was killed for not being strong. The screams of the wounded Demons, Goddess, Giants, Fairies, and Humans.

 'Meliodas! Kill me!'

'Have mercy! Please! I don't want to die! Please!'

'My children! You monster! Die!'

The dirt was wet from the blood that was spilt upon it. The thousands of innocent children and people that was fighting for freedom. This pointless war killed millions, for what price. This same war is about to restart if I don't do something. 

"Little Bunny, I must stop this." You stood up from where you were sitting. You took the bunny into your arms. You kissed the top of her head. "Do anyone of you want to come with me to visit the Ten Commandments?" 

The bear stepped toward you along with a Bald Eagle. The bunny that was in your arms climbed up to you head. The Bald Eagle landed on you arm, nipping your hair lightly. The bear pushed its head into you hand. These were your friends. Hopefully they lasted. 

"Until we come back, please do whatever you want to my little friends."

And with that she disappeared.


Okay, so this is crappy.

But that okay. Because I updated. Anyway.

Words: 1125m

Published: October 29, 2018 

Not edited

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