Chapter 13 - Apart of the Squad

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About a week had passed by now. The two had decided to keep their relationship a secret from the Squad until they figured out the right way to tell them about it.

Drift had continued to learn more about this strange new world, and he found himself getting better and better each day.

John had called the Squad downstairs to talk to them about something. He cleared his throat, "So, I have some important information to talk to you all about today," he began. "First of all, Drift has been here for about a month now. Carbide, Raptor and I have discussed this for the past few days and we've decided-"

"You're in the team, Drift!" Raptor interrupted John suddenly. John groaned, "Raptor!"

"I'm... I'm what?" Drift gasped, confused.
"You're on the squad, kid!" Carbide exclaimed.
"Are you serious?!" Drift grinned.

"Welcome to the squad, son," John put his hand on Drift's shoulder and smiled.
"Oh my God, about time you guys!! Why didn't you tell me?" Y/n asked, squealing with excitement. She hugged Drift who laughed.

"We wanted it to be a surprise to you both," Raptor said. "Looks like it was a success!"
"Yeah, until you interrupted me," John chuckled.

"We're going to have a party for you tomorrow night where you can meet the rest of our squadmates," Carbide explained.

"We have more squadmates?" Drift asked.
"In a way, yes, but really no. They just help us out if we need. There's Valor, Zoey, Squad Leader, Teknique, Battlehawk, Rook, and Sledgehammer. They're apart of a separate Squad, called the Superhero squad," Y/n explained.

"Is there anything we can do to help prepare?" Drift asked.
"That's sweet of you, Drift, but no. We've got this all under control," John replied. "You can go back to whatever you two were doing now."

"Okay, thanks again you guys! I'm so glad I met you all," Drift replied, hugging everyone.
"We're so glad you came, too, Drift!" Raptor smiled. "Now you two little rascals go have fun," he laughed.
John rolled his eyes and laughed, "they're teenagers, Raptor, not toddlers..."

.:: Time skip ::.

The next day, Y/n walked outside to see Drift practicing his aim.
"Drift!" she called.

Drift stops shooting and turned around to face the girl. He smiled, "Y/n!"

"Hey! I was wondering, you haven't seen much of the island besides Paradise, Pleasant, and here of course, huh?" She said, leaning on a tree beside her, crossing her arms.

Drift shook his head, "Nope. Haven't had the time," he replied, putting his gun away and walking up to her.

"Well, I figured that since Raptor, Carbide, and Mr. Wick would be too busy to show you around, how about we go out on a date today and I could show you around?" She replied.

Drift grinned, "A date would be awesome! Where would we go?"
"I figured we could go to Dusty Diner and I could show you around some of my favorite spots afterwards," Y/n replied.

"I would love that," he pecked her lips gently, "I'll go get ready."
Y/n blushed and smiled, "Alright, just let me know when you're done and then we'll go."

The two left to get ready for their first date.

Drift went to their room first and grabbed his red jacket and put it over his shirt, and went into the downstairs bathroom to do his hair.
He brushed a comb through it quickly and put a little gel in it to keep it in his signature spiky style. He put some cologne on and he was ready to go.

Upstairs, Y/n had picked her favorite outfit to wear for their date. She did her hair up in her favorite style and put some light makeup on. She faintly sprayed some perfume on, and walked downstairs.

Drift was sitting on the couch, scrolling through their version of Twitter.

"You ready?" she asked.
He looked up and grinned, admiring her outfit. He stood up and put his phone in his pocket, "Wow. You look amazing, Y/n," he said, kissing her forehead. She giggled, "Thanks, Drift. You look very handsome yourself."

They walk into the garage and get in the car with Drift driving. Y/n gave him the directions and they drove to Dusty Diner.


I should probably address some things.
Yes, i know i didn't update yesterday, i'm so sorry! I was too tired to get something lengthy enough out.
Also, after chapter 5 Drift has been wearing stage 1 (the long sleeve shirt) but he can be wearing whatever you'd like, thats just how I wrote it. He doesn't have his kitsune mask or cape yet. He'll get that soon in the next few chapters.

Stay tuned for another update in about 20-30 minutes!

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