Chapter 38 - The End?

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Y/n gripped onto Drift's arm in fear as the Cube began to move.

"Everyone get off the pier!" John yelled. Everyone rushed to stand by the buildings as the Cube turned itself over, and into the water.

Immediately, steam began to emit from the Cube the moment it hit the water. It sizzled as it began to slowly sink into Loot Lake.

Raptor narrowed his eyes as he tried to study what's happening, "What is it doing?"

"It looks like it's... dissolving?" Drift said, watching it in pure confusion.

The farther in it sank, the more purple the lake became. Eventually, the cube completely dissolved and the whole of the lake turned a purple.

John walked out first to check out the change, Carbide, Raptor, Y/n, and Drift following behind him. He knelt down and stuck his finger into the purply water.

"It feels like normal water... where did-"

Suddenly, the entire lake lit up and what was once water turned into a purple bouncy substance.

John pulled back his hand quickly as they all stood there in shock.

"Did he just turn Loot Lake into oobleck?" Y/n gawked.

"I think so..." John mumbled, just as confused as everyone else.

Raptor, being the big manchild he is, decided to step on the lake.

"RAPTOR!" Carbide groaned.

He stepped on the lake and immediately got bounced into the air as he screamed.

"JOOOOOOOHN!" he shouted as he started bouncing around the lake, completely unharmed. Suddenly, he bursted out in laughter as he bounced around uncontrollably, "It's like one big bouncy castle!"

Y/n looked at Drift and smirked with a childlike gleam in her eye. "You better not..." Drift chuckled, catching on to what she was thinking. She winked and jumped onto the lake, bouncing up in the air. She squealed in surprise before laughing like Raptor.

"Guys, this is fun!" Y/n said, grinning.

"Come on, you guys, join us!" Raptor exclaimed.

Drift shrugged, "I don't see the harm." He jumped up and joined in on the fun, with Carbide soon joining him.

"You guys!" John groaned, face palming. "You know what? I'm disappointed but not surprised," he rolled his eyes, groaning. "You guys are a bunch of children."

"And you're a party-pooper old man," Raptor snickered.

John glared at Raptor, "That's enough out of you."

"Meanie," Raptor pouted.

"Come on, guys, stop. We should head back," John sighed. "I'm sure Drift is exhausted." Plus, the season starts in... 12 days. We need to prepare for whatever might hit the island."

The three of them get off of the lake and began to make their way back to the carts.

As they walked, Drift looked back at the now purple lake and sighed. "What was the purpose of that?" he muttered out loud.

"Dunno, but I'm sure it's fine, Drift. I think he didn't realize it would kill him. You're safe, I promise," Y/n smiled, holding his hand. He squeezed it lightly, "I know, I just can't help but worry," he said, kissing her hand, "I can't wait to just have the next week and a half to just relax."

"Same. You desperately need it," Y/n giggled.

They get to the cars and split their group. John decided to ride with Valor, Squaddie, and Battlehawk, while the others rode together back to the HQ.

.:: Time skip ::.

By the time they were all settled in, Drift was absolutely exhausted. He and Y/n went up to their room to get ready for bed.

He put on some comfortable pants and took off his shirt, and slipped into bed. Y/n joined him under the covers, and cuddled up close to him.

He turned on the TV and he began to play with her hair, "I've missed this," he sighed.

"Me too," Y/n frowned, resting her head on his bare chest. "At least we have time to relax and catch up."

"Yeah," he replied. "And time to prepare for the next season. Why is Mr. Wick so worried about it anyway?" He yawned, his eyelids growing heavy.

"Well, ever since the end of season 3 something major has happened which triggered how the following season would play out. First the meteor and then the rocket, and now the Cube. He's just being precautious, I think," Y/n said, closing her eyes. She shut off the tv and wraps her arms around him, getting comfortable.

"I love you, Drift."

"I love you too, Y/n."

The two kissed goodnight and drifted off to sleep, both finally happy.

The End.

or was it?


I was going to put a loooooong A/n here, but I decided some readers might not want to read it all. So read chapter 39 for it and some important info on the second book :)

Incase you choose not to read chapter 39 -
Thank you for your continuous support on this story. I'm astonished at how far this story got and how much you guys have loved it. I love you all and I hope to see you in the comments on Book 2 💓

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