Smile on my Face

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Title: Smile on my Face
Genre: Angst
Character/s name: Kim Jongdae (Chen) and Miracle
Short Summary: This one shot is about LDR and the hardships of being in a LDR relationship
Shipping: Chen x Miracle
Rated: PG13?

Chen's POV    Time: Nighttime 

It's been 3 years. 3 years since she left. Yeah we talk via Face Time and such but even if, it's hard. I try my best to fight the urge to give up but I can't hold it anymore. But even if, I will still try. I will try to hold on even if it hurts. Questions and doubts are running inside my head. Questions like, 

"Did she found another man?"

"Did she replace me?"

I trust her but I still doubt. I am here in Korea and she is in England and I don't know what she is doing. I love her dearly but I don't know if she does. 

We chat, we call and etc but for me I don't really want that. I want to hug her, to kiss her, to say I love you to her but I can't because she isn't here.

After a few minutes she called and when she said those things my heart broke. She said

" Hey Chen, I know that you love me so much but I am sorry. I don't really love you. I was forced to love you by your brother. To be honest I love your brother not you that's why I complied. Anyways, me and your brother are now in a relationship and I hope you will be supportive. I hope that you accept us. I know you will say "Why didn't say earlier or when did your relationship started?" Well let me explain.

It started 2 years ago. Your brother went here to say that he loves me and that was the happiest moment of my life. But he told me that he would date me if I keep up this facade so I said yes.

Don't worry, you won't hear from me ever again. Once again I am really sorry for the things I have done. Please forgive me. Goodbye Chen... Forever"

And before I could reply.... she hang up.

I knew it. My worst fears has yet to come true. I don't know what to do. Should I forgive them or should I not? Should I hold a grudge or should I let go? I don't really know what to do. I gave up my everything just for her and yet she did this to me.

When my tears fell, at that exact moment it started to rain. Wow, the world really must hate me. Ah, my head hurts so bad but not as much as my heart does. The very thought of it makes my heart cry. Many unanswered questions are running inside my mind. I want them to be answered but I know that's impossible.

After a few minutes the rain stop as well as my tears. I looked up at the stars and thought, why me? Among all of the people in this world why me? Anyways, I will now sleep hoping all of this is just a stupid nightmare. I walked to my bed, laid down and slept.

Still Chen's POV         Timeskip: 9am in the morning

*Knock Knock* 

Uh, what's that noise all about? I stood up and walked going to the door to answer or to know who the hell is knocking on my door. When I opened my door I saw HER and MY BROTHER along with my parents and hers. I am in shock and don't know what to do. I eyed at them and I saw that they are holding hands. My heart ached at that one. They were about to say something when interrupted them. I said "Sit down all of you"

When we all sat down in my living room I immediately said "I thought that we ended everything last night? Why show your faces here?" I said while glaring at the both of them. They looked down for a minute when my dad said "Dae let us explain" I asked " Explain what?" Dad said "Listen" then I nodded. He said,

"Look we know that you love Miracle but this nonsense needs to stop. She doesn't really love you. Me and her parents decided to make you both a couple but then again we didn't know that Miracle likes your brother so we don't really know I-" I interrupted him and said "How long?" then he said, "When they started dating which is 2 years ago."

I said "So all of you knew it and didn't bother to tell me. Wow I can't believe my own family did that. I knew from the start that you and mom don't love me.  Do you think I am that stupid to not know? Don't worry, today onward yo u guys can forget the fact that you have 2 sons." After that got up, go to my room and get my clothes and the important stuff that I needed. Suddenly I felt a tug at my shirt and I saw mom and she said "What are you doing? Please don't leave dae. Please don't leave us wondering where you are. We love you!" I answered back and said "If you really love me then why? WHY DID YOU HID THE TRUTH FROM ME?! (Authors note: He is already screaming) WHY?! After that there was silence.

After a few minutes Chen went to the front door and said

" Farewell everyone, after this day I promise that you will never hear from me ever again. I will just say a few words. 

To Mom and dad: Mom, thank you for giving birth to me. Dad, thank you for taking care of me. I know very well that you both don't like me from the day I was born but I am still thankful for letting me stay at you house.

To My Brother: Thank you for everything bro, even though what you did hurts. I trusted you and yet you have done this. Anyways just take care of Miracle and our parents.

Lastly, to the person I gave my everything, Miracle: I love you so much and I know that you know that. I wanted to ask, why? Why would you do that? Anyways you don't really need to answer."

Now that's everyone I will now leave. Goodbye, everyone. 

Third Person's POV

After Chen said those words everyone was crying because of regret. When the door was closed Chen is so happy to finally be free. As a matter of fact he is actually happy. He can now be free and go through different kinds of adventure on his own. Before he left the building totally he said

"Goodbye past and Hello new present." And he said this with a Smile on his face.




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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2020 ⏰

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