Don't go

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Title: Don't go
Genre: Fluff
Character/s name: Kim Jongin (Kai) & Claire
Short Summary: Kai is going somewhere but Claire doesn't want him to leave
Shipping: Kai x Claire
Rated: Super G

Kai's POV

Ahh, It is already April 21, time is so fast, I felt that yesterday was just the start of April and now it is the 21st of April but I have a problem. I have to leave on the 26th of April which will be next week.

What is my problem you ask??

It is non other than my beatiful and amazing Girlfriend, Claire, she doesn't want me to leave. You think that is so clingy and I should leave her, NO!!.. I love her so much so don't be judgemental (go get the haters kai!! Hahahaha..XD) The real reason why she doesn't want to be left behind is because her parents died when she was 10 and she doesn't have any siblings so she is alone.

Anyways, there she is walking towards my direction. Then she said...

Claire's POV

I saw kai looking into nothing so I thought of going near him. He looked at my direction when I said "What are you doing?"

He said "I have something important to tell you" then his face becomes serious so I thought of the worst case scenario and that he will leave me, forever like them when suddenly I heard him giggle and I gave him a "what" look

When he said "I am not leaving you pabo, Our next concert would be next week, exactly on the day of April 28, so I will be going, and I want to spend my whole week with you."

I said "ok"

Timeskip: April 26

Kai's POV

This is it, the day that I am leaving for the concert.

I saw claire here with a happy aura which is weird cause when I will be leaving she will be crying so hard.

When I came near her I asked "Why are you happy?" Suddenly our manager nim came to me and said " She will be joining us, so don't be sad kai, it doesn't suit you (Because the meaning of kai in Chinese Kai means happy) so smile" then he left us

I quickly hugged Claire and kissed her precious lips (sorry not sorry XD) and twirled her in the air. I said "Finally a concert with you"

"I love you so much claire".

She said "Back to you kai"

The end


Pabo means stupid

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