Phone call(8)

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💜💙:@ Cup_of_Tae

@ Jiminnamon_roll:💙💜

You always do play along! That's something I like about you:@ Cup_of_Tae


Jimin passed back and forth from one side of his bed to the other. His hair was slightly damp from the shower he just took. A clear anxious expression painted his face. Jimin has just given Taehyung his phone number so now he waited the call.

Jimin jumps has he hears his phone start to buzz. Jimin runs over and jumps on his bed grabbing his phone. He takes in a deep breath before pressing the green answer button. He puts the phone to his ear and waits for the other to say something, Jimin being to anxious to start the conversation.

"Hey there Jimin hyung..."

"Wow..." Jimin unconstitutionally sighed as he heard the other males voice. It was deeper then he thought it would be. It was also warm and inviting.

"Wow..? Have I already taken you breath away that easy Park Jimin?" Taehyung teases the boy.

"N-no!!" Jimin says quickly blushing madly.

Taehyung let out a soft giggle that melt Jimin to the core. No one has ever made him so weak before.

"You're even more cute over the phone then on text! I can't believe your adorableness level could go up... I wonder how cute you are in person!! I'm so jealous Namjoon get to see you and I can't!!" Taehyung whines. Now Jimin is the one giggling.

"Y-your voice d-doesn't match y-you're p-personality."

"Hey what does that mean!!" Jimin giggles at the youngers out burst. His giggles make Taehyung heart skip a beat.

"J-just y-you are a b-b-baby w-with the v-voice of t-the d-devil." Jimins giggles get louder as he hears the other boy do a fake gasp. Pretending he is offended.

"Oh my Jimin! So mean to me! I'm hurt..."

Jimin giggles again has he lays down on his back on the bed. He roles back and forth trying to think of something to say. 'Namjoon hasn't told me what to do in this situation yet!' Jimin thinks as he feels tears fill his eyes.

"Hello~" Taehyung calls because he was considered when the other boy stopped talking.

"I-I'm s-Sorry! I c-can't t-think of a-anything."
Taehyung can hear the tears in the other boys voice.

"Hey dude! It's ok! You're ok."

"I'm ok?"

"Yes you didn't do anything wrong. I'm still here... You don't need to worry and be so shy. How was your day?"

Jimin fights off his tears and continues his conversation with Taehyung. They talk for about an hour. Nothing important just small things. But the conversations meant everything to the two boys

"Jim- *yawn* Jimin..."

"You s-sound t-tried you should s-sleep..."

"But I want to- *yawn* talk to you more..."

"T-Taehyung it's almost 10 l-let's g-get some

"Fine I guess... I love you."

Jimins heart stopped. He hasn't heard anything but his father say he loved him. It drove him crazy that this adorable man just said it to him with ease.

"I-I-I um yeah I u-Um l-love um y-y um you too..."I

Taehyung giggles sleepily while Jimin was mentally screaming.

"Goodnight sleep well."

And with that the called end. That wouldn't be the last time they talked like that.

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