Chapter 11

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(The long awaited update. My bad guys and gals. I was busy and some stuff has happened. But here is an update)

Tim pushed Brian back the moment he kissed him, "What the hell man? I thought we agreed to never go back down this path in college. I'm sorry Brian but I can't do that again." Brian stared at his shorter friend and tried to kiss him again only to have the shorter one stop him again, "Brian, serious what the hell? Stop." Brian clenched his fist in anger not at his friend but at himself. He knew that he was the reason that Tim didn't want to get close to him. He chased him away for so long that now he kept away. "I'm sorry. I just. . . Well, I am just happy that is all. To see that you're okay." Brian smiled as he spoke, but his words had a hint of sadness. Tim nodded and looked around, "Where are we by the way?" 

Brian took a deep breath knowing what he had to do but god knows he didn't want to do it, "We are waiting for someone. He's going to help." He just wanted to spend time with Tim like when they were kids. Well, at least when he wasn't a prick to him. Tim seemed to raise an eyebrow, "And whom are we waiting on?" Before Brian answered he put his mask back on with a sad smile, "The faceless man." "You son of a bitch!" Tim yelled and looked around then took off running. Hoodie chased after him refusing to let him get away.

Tim ran through the hallways but came to a halting stop when he saw a black figure with a white face start to turn the corner. Tim went to turn around but seeing the hooded man coming closer to him. Tim looked around then made a split-second decision and ran into the nearest room and got ready to jump out the window. Just as he went to jump a hand shot out and grabbed on the back of his jacket. Tim looked up seeing the hooded man struggle to hold him. 

Tim hissed and slipped out of his jacket just in time cause a black tentacle started to come out the window to grab him. Tim hit the ground with a thud. But he got up but started to limp away from landing wrong. But then when he turned to look to see what they were doing he seen the hooded man jump out after him as the monster seem to crawl down the wall after them. Tim tried his best to get away but even he knew that he wasn't going to get far. 

He was right before he could even get that far the hooded man tackled him with a rock in his hand. Tim struggled to get the other off him but soon the other lifted up the rock and started to hit him with it. Soon blood was on the rock and Tim was no longer able to put up a fight as he faded in and out of consciousness. The hooded man got off of him and grabbed on to his arms and started to drag him to the faceless man. Who wrapped his tentacles around the limp body and squeeze earning a soft grunt that turned into a blood-curdling scream. Before the hooded man could say anything the tall slender figure left. 

Hoodie stood there knowing what was going to happen, but it had to be done. He walked back as he walked in, Ben looked at him, "Hey man where is Masky?" Jeff, on the other hand, scuffed but it was clear he wanted to know too. "It doesn't matter," Hoodie walked past them going to his room that now felt alone and empty by himself. How could it not, the person that always welcomed him was not there. He punched a wall then screamed at what he just did to his best friend. Then glared at the empty bed and spoke spitefully, "It's all your fault. If you never give me to that thing then I could have been normal. . ." Tears filled his eyes but he refused to let them fall as he went on, "This is what you get." then went to bed. 

~time skip cause it's not really a Hoodie x Masky without Masky (right?)~

after about three days Masky was back limping around. But he was different and everyone could tell. He hadn't spoken a word and if anyone tried to talk to him he would just stare at them. But if they would touch him he would go berserk and start swinging at them. So everyone just gave him space everyone but Hoodie. Masky would leave at night and stay out and started to stay out more and more. Hoodie would follow and watch him. But all of a sudden Masky stop and faced where Hoodie was standing and made a b-line for him. Hoodie didn't move as the small male grew closer, "Are you ready to talk yet?" Masky started to throw punches but Hoodie grabbed on to him and held him close to his chest, "You are okay. You are okay" Hoodie repeated while trying to sooth Masky's rage. 

After some time Masky seemed to settle down enough that Hoodie let him go, "Mask, let's go back." Masky just nodded and started to walk again. Hoodie smiled to himself happy to have his friend back. Once they got back everyone seemed to stay away from Masky and whispered among themselves. Then Jeff spoke up, "Hey Bitch, are you off your period?" Masky didn't even answer as he walked away going to his room to go to bed. Hoodie sighed, "Guys ease up." "Ease up? Are you fucking kidding me?" Jeff yelled only to have Jack agree, "Jeff is right. Ever since Masky has gotten back, he has been nothing but a prick to everyone. I knew he thought he was better than everyone but he needs to get off his high horse." "Guys, it's not what you think. . . " Hoodie tried to stand up for his friend but none of them understand not even Toby, not really. Slender will not only break your mind but your body too if you resist. 

Masky had gone through it so many times, Hoodie wondered how he had not gone completely mad. Hoodie had even been the one to help sometimes on breaking his friend. So he could understand why Masky had always kept away from others. But always wondered why he still trusted him so much, Hoodie sighed and went to the room and saw his friend curled up in a ball as he slept. Hoodie covered him up and then went to his own bed and went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2018 ⏰

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