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It was winter, the brisk and cold season that Harry Potter always loved. It was the season where he could dress warmly in his favorite jumper and visit small shops on the outskirts of muggle London to buy gingerbread and sugar cookie scented candles to light. It was the season where he had the chance to buy sparkling fairy lights and string them across the cabinets of the kitchen and headboard of the bed that was always the warmest place to be. Winter was the season where Harry Potter could sit by the fireplace with a cuppa, his fiancé's head in his lap as he messed with the blond's hair. It was also the season Draco Malfoy hated with a deep, burning passion.

Winter was the season Draco had to wear several layers of clothes as well as a beanie that much to his dismay always ruined his perfectly styled hair. It was the season he had to fight Harry about the heat in their flat and how he didn't quite understand it.

"What is the point of using such a weird phenomenon when there is a beautiful fireplace sat in a perfect spot." He'd say.

"It's called heat, Draco, and it warms the entire flat. Not just one room." Harry would reply.

"I would rather die at the hands of the cold, brisk weather than use such a muggle—"

Harry would roll his eyes, interrupting Draco as the blond glared at him. "You live in a flat, in muggle London, with a telly and several muggle books on a shelf. I'd say we're past muggle things not being good enough for you."

"Excuse me, Potter, for wanting to sit by the fireplace with my fiancé!" Draco would exclaim, stomping off like a small child into the bedroom they shared. Harry would shake his head at Draco's stubbornness and weird thoughts about some muggle things. It was heat, what is so terrible about heat?! But, Harry gave in. He'd turn the heat down before they both left home for the Ministry in the early hours of the mornings, laughing at Draco when he complained the flat was colder than outside. They'd undress from their work attire only for Draco to scout out one of Harry's jumpers, his pyjama pants hanging low on his hips. Meanwhile Harry would wear one of his own jumpers, unlike Draco, and nothing more than it and the Gryffindor red boxer briefs he'd sport.

Harry would make Draco tea, only to be scoffed at when it wasn't nearly how Draco liked it. So, Draco would stomp his way around the kitchen correcting the horrid tea Harry had attempted making. Finally, after a half an hour of Draco muttering under his breath at how Harry couldn't make him a simple cup of tea - Harry countering with how Draco couldn't cook one meal even if his life depended on it - they'd sit at the fireplace together. Harry would sit on the pile of pillows they created with a blanket over him and Draco would lay down, resting his head in Harry's lap as he pulled another blanket on himself.

Winter was Harry Potter's favorite season, mostly because of Draco Malfoy and his inevitable cuteness during the cold days.


Long ass prologue,
I know. But,
this was important.

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