Regarding Book Four & New Drarry Fic

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Goodness, haven't edited this book in ages!
Dropping in to give a massive thanks to all of you who've read and continue to read this series. Your support means the world to me and more, so thank you so much for all you contribute to these books.

I know I had published a part titled "Book 4" a year ago, and most of you wanted to see it. However, I think if I made a book four to this series it wouldn't be as good as the three before it. I feel it wouldn't be quite cohesive.  As long as you guys are happy with how this third book ended, that is all that matters to me.

As far as Drarry books by me go, I'm currently writing and actively publishing one as we speak. It is called "Forgive me.." and I ask kindly for you to go have a read if you're interested! You can find it on my profile. Thank you, once again, for all your continuous love and support on this series. It's greatly appreciated.

Much love, R...

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