s e v e n t e e n

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"Information?" The woman at the desk asked Rhea.

Zion kept his arm around her waist as they made their way to where the audition was.

"Rhea Lacoasta, 18 years young, LA talent agency & management. I'm auditioning for the role of Ivy" she spoke her name, age, management and auditioning role.

"Okay amazing, take a seat right over there with the other ladies. Your name shall be called when it's your time slot, Good luck!" She exclaimed, writing into a sheet of paper.

"Thank you!" Rhea smiled back.

"Thanks" Zion waved as they both walked to the row of other girls an their companies, whether it was their parents, friends or partners.

Zion pulled out a chair for Rhea to sit on, whilst he sat beside her.

The majority of the room were young women either reading through their lines or talking to one another.

"This is the first time I've seen without your script...and this is closest to the audition you've ever been?" Zion looked at the girl beside him,

"I try not to look at my script before the audition, if anything I just glance over it. It sounds strange but I tend to over think and forget my lines if I stress about them minutes before the audition." She smiled, though Zion could tell she was still extremely nervous.

"As long as it works for you, I'm so excited for you. I'm bout to have an award winning actress as a girlfriend, ayee" he playfully danced in his seat.

Rhea covered her face slightly blushing, as she bowed her head forward giggling. "Shushh,"

Zion budged up closer to the girl, once again wrapping his arm around her shoulder in hope it would comfort her.

Rhea looked around the room, silently observing her competition. They all looked fairly similar to each other and Rhea. They either looked black or Spanish, most of them with natural hair or braided.

She sighed slightly looking down, as much as it knocked her confidence it was habit that she'd compare herself to the actresses she was up against. Rhea thought they all looked beautiful- clear skin, perfect figures and likely to get the job.

Rhea occasionally noticed 2 or 3 of the girls, probably auditioning, glancing up and down at Zion. She observed once more as they all smiled and giggled as they looked at Zion.

Rhea turned towards Zion, he too, had his attention drawn to the girls. He waved and smiled.

Rhea didn't want to jump to conclusions but she couldn't help it, they were all prettier, skinnier and seemed to have Zion's interest more than she did.

"Um, Zion? Do you know those girls?" She spoke quietly, loud enough for Zion to hear but quiet enough so the girls couldn't.

"Ray- I'm assuming they're fans or they've recognised me. I wouldn't do you like that, never, you know that right?" He adverted his attention to Rhea, with a concerning look.

"Shit, Z, I'm sorry. I tend to forget I have to share you with the rest of the world. I shouldn't have thought like that- it was the first thought in my mind. It shouldn't have been" she claimed, feeling slightly guilty she thought of Zion like that for one moment.

"Don't stress, I had a feeling you'd think that- the way you're looking at the other girls in admiration. Ain't no one like you, okay? You're smart, wise and beautiful" he placed one of Rhea's braids behind her back as it was previously covering her face slightly.

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