Finding Love Ch.2 New Beginnings

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Brad's POV.

I stood in front of the huge, and well, kind of scary building. This was my new school. West River Prep I said out loud. Cool. Catchy. I heard the first bell ring and everyone headed inside to their lockers. I followed the crowd, trying to look cool and laid back as I walked. I had my ipod on (no music was playing though) with one ear bud in, and the other out. I had my hands in my pockets and chewed gum and kind of moved my head as if I were listening to music. I tried to remember where my locker was and made my way to the stairs. It was locker number 113 so it would be on the first floor. Okay. Good job Brad. Just keep it up, I thought.

Feeling pretty good, I continued up the stairs to the first floor. I put the front of my foot on the next step and lifted my right foot to go in front. Unfortunately, my right foot was also on the edge of the step. I lifted my left foot when my right foot slipped and I went crashing down the stairs. I sat at the bottom of the stairs, my bones sore. I rubbed my sore leg and slowly managed to get up. "Great" I thought. "Just great". I looked around to see if anyone was there.

Just one girl. She had curly, long, brown hair and seemed like one of those teens who hated boys in general. I saw her eyes move up and down, looking at me. Feeling self conscious, I brushed of my clothes and fixed my hair my swishing my head to the left. This was sure to change her mind about me. Instead, she rolled her eyes and hurried up the stairs. Oh well. She seemed kind of snobby and annoying. I didn't even find her very pretty. Hopefully, she won't blab to everyone else. I grabbed my bag and made my way to my locker.

Mariah's POV.

Annoying. He thought he was so cool. I shook my head in disgust. He was good-looking, especially the blond streak in his brown hair, but who cares! I realized that he seemed new. Just like me. I suddenly felt bad. This was probably his first day. Like me. He probably was nervous. I was too. I mean who wouldn't be? We had transferred here in the middle of May! The school year was almost over. Everybody had made groups of friends already. They had boyfriends, best friends, and dates to school dances. We had nothing. He was probably desperate to fit in. Poor guy! Wait? What was happening? I was feeling sorry for a guy? Me, Mariah Bell, feeling sorry for A GUY? This couldn't happen. Had I forgotten how using, jealous, annoying jerks they could be?

I closed my locker and made my way to advisory (homeroom). I entered and saw everybody staring at me.

"Hello. I am Mr. Mallard. You must be..." my teacher said.

"Mariah. Mariah Bell." I replied confidently.

"Ah, well nice to meet you Mariah. You may choose from the empty seat we have available."

I quickly scanned the room and found an empty seat in the back. Perfect. I made my way to the end while hearing snickers and comments like "She has issues." or "Whoa, she's depressed." and even heard the word emo. I was DEFINITLEY NOT EMO. And I hated it when people labeled people as emo. It's so rude. The people who label them emo should be labeled stupid. I felt very strongly about that. I turned around to figure out which one of them had called me emo. I found the girl. She had red wavy hair and a tiny nose ring. I glared at her. She widened her eyes and dropped her jaw in shock.

"Bring it on" she whispered in a nasally voice. "BRING IT ON" she repeated. I made my way down to my seat and organized my books for the correct classes when I realized that I had just made my first enemy.

Brad's POV.

I entered my advisory and saw that the snobby girl was in my class. Just great!

"Well isn't this great! Two new students in one day. Mariah and..." he said pointing to the snobby girl.

"Brayden. Brad for short." I replied, very confidently.

"Oh, yes. Hello Brad. My name is Mr. Mallard. You may choose your seat from the spots available." I scanned through the room. Mariah was sitting in the back of the left side, behind the actually annoying (but pretty) girls. One of the girls smiled and winked at me. There was a spot near them. I looked to the left and saw beautiful girls. They weren't wearing make-up and they looked prettier than the other girls. They looked at me and politely smiled. I glanced next to each of them and saw the guys grab the girls' hands as if telling me to back off. This is the disadvantage of transferring in May. I saw a pretty girl with black wavy hair. I expected the guy next to her to grab her hand but he didn't take any notice of me. The girl looked at me and I winked. She gave me this weird confused look and rolled her eyes. Whoa, twice in 10 minutes! What is up with girls today?

I decided to grab the seat next to the red haired girl. I learned that her name was Ivy. I could tell that she was poisonous. During advisory I learned everyone's names. The pretty girls with boyfriends were Addie, Angie, Caitlin, Delilah, and Abbey. Their guy's names were Darren, Gad, Cole, Emanuel, and Jake. The girl who was single was Julie (and so was Jake but I didn't care). I talked to everybody and decided that Julie was the one that I wanted, so I decided to talk to her.

"Hey" I said smoothly.

"Hey" she said, less enthusiastically and looked away.

"So, um, how long have you been here?" I asked. She looked at me like I was stupid. Then I remembered that it was everyone's first year here, we were freshman. Boy was I stupid!

"Do you have a boyfriend?" I asked. No, no, no! Too soon Brad! Too soon! She gave me this weird look and said

"Um, no." That was a relief. I decided to play it out cool.

"Great. Then no one will mind if I stick around." I said with a smile.

"Um, I will." The bell rang and it was time to go to my next class. Julie went around me and headed for the door. I couldn't let her leave without me. I ran to the door and put my hand against the left side of the door frame. I leaned my head to the door frame and put my leg against the other so that she couldn't go anywhere. Sounds desperate, I know. But I was desperate.

"Really, well that's too bad because I thought that you and me, well, that we would work."

"That's what you get for thinking." she muttered. I made a face that every girl would fall for and raised my eyebrows. I heard the other girls in the room gasp and say how lucky she was and how cute I was. Julie started to blush.

"Sooo," I tried again. "What do you say?" She sighed and said

"Fine, but only if you move out of the way. I don't want to be late." I moved from my position motioned her to go and said

"Ladies first." She rolled her eyes and walked ahead. A random guy tried to move ahead so I put my hand against the doorframe and said

"Sorry pal, not this time. You understand right?" I said cocking my head. Poor guy probably thought I was a bully so I just patted his shoulder and turned around, trying to catch up to Julie. When I did, I put my elbow on her shoulder. She looked at me and glared but I kept my elbow there and shrugged my shoulders. She sighed and we continued down the hall. Not bad, I thought to myself. Not bad at all.

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