Finding Love Ch.1 A Walk Down Memory Lane

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  • Dedicated to Katelyn


Julie's POV.

I stared at the blank page that was supposed to be filled with all of the good things that had happened to me this year. When I got this English assignment I had laughed. Good? Please! This year had probably been the worst. I mean my so called "boyfriend" had cheated on me with my bff. I'm not mad about them being together because they totally deserve each other. I'm mad because it was so humiliating. Somehow, one of Ivy's (a stupidly annoying girl at school) slaves had seen what happened and I was the gossip of school for a whole month! I mean can you believe it? A freaking whole month! But that was five months ago. I had moved passed that.

"Julie! Get up!" my older brother Andrew yelled. I hated it when people yelled for no reason.

"I'm up you idiot!" I opened my door and yelled. He had just taken a shower so he had a towel wrapped around.

"Well then take a shower. It's 7:40, genius." he said pointing to the clock.

"Oh shoot." I had woken up early to try to work on my English assignment but I guess I had lost track of time. I wrote some stuff down and shoved it in my bag.

I quickly took a shower and was soon faced with the decision of what to wear. I flipped through my closet and felt something fall on my foot. It was an old shirt. Actually, five months old. It was dark blue and said "Be you." I threw it behind me and started flipping through again but the memories flashed in front of me. After Ivy's little stunt, I had decided to change. I went shopping and filled my wardrobe with light colors (mostly pink) and worried about my hair a lot. I know that you're supposed to be yourself but why? No boy liked the slightly tom boyish me. "Why?" I had asked myself looking in the mirror. Was I too fat? No, I played sports. Was I too skinny? No, I didn't diet and I always ate enough. Was I not beautiful or nice enough? I'm guessing that I was pretty and nice because a bunch of guys made a list of girls who they wanted to go out with and I was on their top 20 (I don't think that I'm pretty). But none of them had asked me out. I realized that all of my friends had boyfriends because they were kind of girly.

I started wearing pink and skirts and all that kind of stuff. I remember the first day that I did, everyone was shocked. I heard guys' whistles and girls' shocked comments. The crew had been surprised, but supportive about my decision. That's why I loved them.

"Julie come on, get in the car!" I heard Andrew yell. I quickly picked something to wear, did my hair and hungrily ran out to the car. Oh, shoot! I forgot to eat breakfast.

Jake's POV.

BRRRRIINNGGGGG! I heard my alarm go. I groaned. School. Again. I rolled over in bed, grabbed the alarm clock, and threw it to the wall to make it shut up. I slowly opened my eyes and stared at the clock on the wall.

"Oh shoot!" I realized that I had forgotten to do my English assignment about the good things that had happened this year. I jolted up in bed and turned on my laptop. I heard my phone ring.

It was a text, from Addie.


hey Jakey! I'm guessing that you need somethin' to rite 4 the eng. assngmnt. so just rite bout the guys and how u r lucky 2 hav such friends kay? luv, ur bff addie

Addie. She always knew what was going on in my head. She just couldn't figure out that I loved her in time. Before, in her texts it would always be "luv, addie". Now it was "luv, ur best friend addie". Things had changed. A lot. My life has been awful, but I was happy (-ish, okay I was miserable) that Addie was happy. I quickly typed up a big lie, printed it, and went to the bathroom to do "stuff" (brush my teeth, toilet, and shower).

I came out pulled on a pair of jeans when I realized that I hadn't woken up Daniela. Daniela is my four year old sister. I opened the door to her room and found her sitting on her bed, all dressed, with her arms crossed, frowning. She looked so cute. She had dressed herself in an overall dress with a light orange shirt underneath. She had even brushed her short hair that cutely curved down into her chin and had perfected her bangs that went in front. She looked like a little doll. A very angry doll.

"Good job Danny. You're getting to be a big girl." this made her frown bigger.

"No, no, no. No Danny." she said with a shake of her head.

"Then what do you want me to call you?" I asked.

"Ella." she said with a smile.

"No, I don't really like Ella." I replied. She quickly thought and said

"Okay, then you can call me Ivy." I gasped. There was no way I was going to call her the name of my school's drama queen.

"I don't like that either. Let's just stick with Danny." I said calmly.

"Okay Jakey Poo." she said with a mischevious smile, emphasizing on the word poo. I couldn't let her embarrass me like that.

"Okay then. How about plain old Daniela?" I suggested. She smiled and nodded, clearly pleased.

"Okay Daniela. Get your bag and go downstairs and wait for me." I was going to leave when she ran up and hugged me. I loved Daniela, to death. I couldn't stand to think what would happen when she found out.

"Jake? When are Mommy and Daddy coming back from their business trip?" I froze, unsure of what to tell her. I couldn't tell her that they weren't ever coming back.

"Soon. Just go downstairs okay?" I whispered. She went downstairs and I headed back to my room and finished getting dressed. I tried to stop them, but the memories just came flooding in.

It was after Darren and Addie became official. After I knew that there was no hope for me. Mom had figured out what happened (mother's intuition and all) and had been trying to cheer me up. One Saturday, we went grocery shopping (Mom, Dad, and I-Danny was vacationing with Grandma, who lived in New York). We had finished and were going to the car when Dad realized that he had forgotten his wallet at the register. I offered to go back and get it. I went inside and got it and was happy to see my parents laughing and smiling as they were pushing the cart to our car. "At least they had a happy ending" I had thought. I started walking to the car when I saw a lady sharply turn into the section where we were walking. She was on the phone and she looked angry. I suddenly felt worried. I didn't know why. They would probably notice and go to the side. But they didn't. My parents were kind of on the side, but slightly in the middle. I could see the lady's figure from the back of her car's window. I saw her hand slip. I saw her car swerve. And I saw my parents die.

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