Chapter 5

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Negan loads up the car, placing enough food in the boot to last them a week should they be out there that long. As he waits for her, he wonders whether he should ask John to be his wingman instead, not because he doesn't trust her to watch his back, but because he's almost certain he won't be able to keep his hands off her, and that could distract from why they're out there.

He normally had a rule, no screwing around with his soldiers. But damn she was one fine looking soldier, and the fact that she wanted him as much as she did, that she'd be more than willing to do whatever he wanted, lit a fire in him that just wouldn't quit.

"The fuck took you so long?" He asks as she heads down the steps towards him.

"I had to pack." Sarah gestures towards the backpack on her shoulders.

"The fuck's in there?" Negan frowns.

"Spare clothes, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, women's stuff-"

Negan holds up a hand. "Alright, i get the fucking gist. Put it in the back," he says, getting in the driver's seat.

Sarah stuffs her backpack into the boot, slamming it shut before she heads to the passenger side.

Negan stares at Sarah as she sits beside him, a huge grin on her face. "You are going to take this shit seriously, aren't you? This isn't a fucking vacation."

Sarah rolls her eyes. "I know that. Which way are we heading?"

Negan turn the keys in the ignition, stepping on the gas. "East."


They'd drove past the satellite outpost over an hour ago, and Negan had remained silent, much to Sarah's disappointment.

She drums her fingers on the door, shifting uncomfortably in her seat. "How are you wearing that jacket? It's hot as balls out here." Sarah winds down her window, blowing at a piece of hair matted to her forehead.

"It's my lucky jacket, this fucker's saved my ass many a fucking time. Those dead fucks have sunk their teeth in this fucker more times than i can count, and i'm still fucking here." He smiles.

"I never thought of that. Maybe i should get one? Then we could be matching!" She gushes.

"Don't do that." Negan frowns. "That'd be fucking weird."

Sarah huffs a little. "Fine, i won't." Negan chuckles lightly, and that's all she needs to lift her mood, looking over at him instantly to gaze at his dimples. "So what are you hoping to find out here?"

"People. People are worth their fucking weight in gold these days, especially if they know shit. It'd be great if we could find a Doctor."

"We have a Doctor," she points out.

"Yeah, and he's a fucking shitty one at that. Wouldn't hurt to have a back-up."

"Why don't you just swap him for his brother?"

Negan sighs. "I could. But we need Hilltop to keep producing, and i don't wanna be taking their people if i don't fucking have to. There has to be a balance, Sarah. We push people too much, they might start to push back." He shrugs. "Carson's not so bad, he just pisses me off the way he thinks he's king shit of turd fucking mountain. I fucking hate when people think they're indispensable."

"He is though."

"Yeah, and he fucking knows it. I'd much prefer his brother, but like i said, i don't wanna push them. Best not to rock the fucking boat."

"You think we'll find anyone today?"

Negan runs a hand over his beard, resting his other hand against the steering wheel. "Probably not today. We'll keep going till dark. If we can't find somewhere half decent to rest our heads, we can spend the night in the car, sleep in shifts. You alright with that?"

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