Chapter 10

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She'd had the sense to get rid of her vest, replacing it with another from her rucksack after she'd washed in the river. Sarah couldn't care less about what she'd done, in fact, she'd enjoyed it. But she knew full well the consequences if anyone found out, which was why she'd let the dead have him, and also why she'd emptied his gun.

Sarah climbs over the school fence, avoiding Vince's men. She enters via the gym, her footfalls echoing around the empty space. She smiles contentedly as she realises that she never has to see that prick Greg again. A part of her almost wishes people knew what she'd done, so they wouldn't look down at her like some stupid kid.

"You setting up camp in there?" She jumps a little. "And here's me thinking you didn't get scared." Vince smiles.

"Only when people sneak up on me outta nowhere." She frowns.

"Yeah, sorry about that. You settling in okay?"

Sarah nods. "Yeah."

Vince steps closer, resting his hand against the wall. "You want a tour, i could show you around if you'd like?"

"It's a school. I used to go to one, and they all look the same," she says nonchalantly.


She looks over Vince's shoulder, Vince quickly dropping his arm as Negan makes his way towards them.

It's lucky Negan had left Lucille in his room, because he had the sudden urge to swing her right at Vince's head, repeatedly.

"Negan." He smiles. "I was just offering to show your girl around."

Oh, i bet you fucking were you piece of shit. Negan pulls back his shoulders, bearing his chest almost animal like. "I think she's good, aren't you, sweetheart?"

"Yeah, i'm good." Sarah nods.

"Well, if you change your mind?" Vince offers.

"Goodbye, Vince," Negan says, clenching his jaw.

"Yeah, i've got shit to do. How about you two join me for dinner later?"

"Sure," Negan says a little dismissively.

Vince winks at Sarah before he heads back down the hall. "Seeya."

Negan turns to her, his eyes dark. "The fuck was all that about?" She opens her mouth, Negan cutting her off before she has the chance to speak. "Never-fucking-mind." He grabs her waist, pushing her back into the gym as his lips crash against hers. Negan pushes her against the wall, his body pressing against hers as he unbuckles her belt and unzips her jeans.

Sarah shakes off her boots, shuffling her jeans down her legs before kicking them to one side.

"You want this dick, baby?" He growls in her ear, unbuckling his belt.

"Yes, Daddy," she whimpers as he tugs at her panties.

"Oh, Daddy's gonna fucking give it to you." Negan snakes his hands beneath her ass, picking her up and pressing her firmly against the wall. He wastes no time, thrusting into her, Sarah clawing at his leather clad shoulders. "Fuck," Negan groans. "Your pussy's so wet for me already." He smirks.

Sarah moans as he sucks a hickey into her neck, leaving his mark. Legs wrapped around his waist, she rolls her hips, her walls clenching around his cock. "Oh, Negan. Fuck me, make me yours."

Negan chuckles, his breath hot against her neck, making her skin break out in gooseflesh. "You are fucking mine." And he snaps his hips, as if proving his point. Negan pounds into her relentlessly, his cock already dripping with her juices. He nips at her throat, his breath heavy as she runs her fingers through the back of his hair.

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