Chapter 8

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Sarah had hung around Negan's headquarters, hoping to be invited inside, but after thirty minutes she'd given up, heading for the communal showers.

She'd hated showering, hated washing Negan's scent from her skin. Halfway through rinsing her hair, Joan from the kitchen had joined her, and they'd made small talk, mostly Joan fishing for information about the new group. Sarah had told her as little as possible, then left, making her way back to her room in just a towel whilst giving creepy Dave the middle finger as he catcalled her in the hall.

"Hey, the hell are you doing walking the halls like that?" Simon raises an eyebrow.

"I forgot to take clean clothes with me."

"Well, don't make a habit out of that. Negan would flip his damn lid if he saw you walking around the Sanctuary like that," he warns her.

"I'm sure he would." She smiles, before opening her bedroom door.

Sarah closes the door behind her and drops her towel to the floor. She rifles through her closet and finds a pair of grey jeans and a white vest, along with a pair of plain white, cotton panties.

She takes the packet of pills Carson had given her, and drops one into the sink, her stomach feeling sickly as she watches it fall down the plughole. Of all the shitty things she's done, Sarah figures this isn't the worst, and yet it feels the worst.

Tucking her knife into her belt, she heads back out the door, refusing to spend the rest of the day dwelling alone in her room.

Halfway down the hall, and she regrets her decision instantly as she walks past Negan's headquarters, slowing to a stop as she glances at Sherry lounging on a sofa with a glass in her hand.

"Problem?" Sherry frowns, taking a sip from her glass.

Sarah leans against the doorframe. "I don't have a problem, Sherry. Maybe you should cut down on that." She gestures towards the glass in Sherry's hand. "It's making you paranoid."

Sherry gets up from the sofa, knocking back the rest of her drink. "Why don't you just mind your own business?"

"I would, but you keep making it mine." Sarah shrugs.

Sherry raises an eyebrow, then let's out a long, drawn out laugh. "Oh, you finally got what you wanted, didn't you?"

"That's none of your business."

"He'll never be what you want him to be. He is what he is.. and sooner or later, you're gonna realise it," Sherry warns her, and if Sarah didn't hate her guts, she'd almost sound sincere.

"I don't really care what you think, Sherry." Sarah turns to leave.

"Well, don't say i didn't warn you. If you think Negan's gonna fall in love with you and leave his wives, then you're gonna be sorely disappointed. He'll have some fun with you, that's for sure. But the novelty will wear off, and he'll have one of his wives in his bed this time tomorrow."

Sarah claws at the doorframe, clenching her jaw. "Fuck you, Sherry."

"Negan will," she giggles. Sarah spins round so fast, Sherry jumps a little, but she stands her ground. "Go on, you think i don't know how to handle myself?"

"Oh, i know you don't, otherwise you wouldn't be here."

"Sherry, just stop it," Amber whispers.

"Why? It's fun, seeing how much it winds her up." Sherry smiles. "I wonder if Negan will be thinking of you the next time i'm riding his dick, which should be real soon."

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