Chapter 2: The Faraway Galaxy

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         After a very loud breakfast, mom made our lunches and then she and dad kissed us both.

         "Gross!" I exclaimed as I walked out the door lunch in my backpack and backpack on my back.

         Ryan turned around the corner and left, that's where Retton Elementary school was. I turned left, the other way, and walked a few minutes before I got to the bus stop. After a few minutes of waiting, the bus pulled right in and I climbed on board.

         First of all let me tell you something about junior high/high school buses: they're loud, crouded, and dumb. I mean, why do parents have to be so lazy and not just drive us to school before work? I don't understand.

         Anyway, after I got on the bus i heard a voice say,"Hey, Charlie!"

         I recognised that voice immediately. It was my best friend Flynn. I smiled and started walking torwards the back of the bus where we always sat.

            "Hey, Flynn!" I said,"What's up?"

            " Nothing much" he said, but didn't sound like himself.

         "Flynn," I asked softly,"What's wrong?"

         "You remember my grandma, right?" he started.

         "Right?" I said, confused.

         Then Flynn blurted it all out. "She's very, very sick and we have to go up and visit her in Ireland and I'm very scared for her and I want to see her but I want to stay back with you!!!!!"

         "Oh." I said. I know, not a very good answer, but what do you say to something like that?

         After that, we didn't say anything until school started.


         After school I had track, so I couldn't talk to Flynn. My P.E. coach, Mr. Ruoda, was also my track coach. He was so awesome and nice to me. He gave me good grades.

          Anyway we started out with sprints and then moved on to long distance. I wasn't into it today. I was Thinking about Flynn's grandma.

         At break Mr. Ruoda came over to me.

         "What's up, Charlie?" asked Mr. Ruoda.

         "Nothing," I answered quickly.

        "Well, this is track tryouts and just because you're one of my favorite students, I can't give you a pass if you don't work hard enough. Chop-chop." and then he left.


        The next day I thought Flynn was avoiding me. He wasn't on the bus that morning or in the multipurpose room. It wasn't until my class after lunch, science, that I realized that he had left. On the second day of school!

         "Now, before I start our lesson of the day, I have an announcement to make," said my science teacher, Ms. Fisher. "One of your classmates, Mr. Flynn Costers, has gone to Ireland, and will not return for a few months." Gasps around the class. Seriously, people.

         "We also have a new classmate, Mr. Vale King, who will replace Flynn for a little. Who was Flynn's lab partner?"

         Very slowly I raised my hand. Ms. Fisher pushed Vale torwards me. 

         At first glance I didn't like him. He had black that was so black and shiny that it looked blue. He was wearing a silver chain around his very tan neck. His pants were sagging, and he had a ripped shirt on. From what I could tell, he was wearing a bit of eyeliner! He also had his ears pierced. I bit my lip. Not good.


 How's the story so far? I know very short chapters, but I'm getting there. These first two chapters are dedicated to Konagirl98. She's starting to write two books: Just One Text and The Owls of Hemlock Woods. You should read them! Anyway, Vote, Comment, and Read!!!!!!

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