Chapter 5: The Three Asteroids

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How did you like Flynn's POV? Since that's part of my story now, I'll do it every other chapter.


                                                                           Charlie's POV

          At school the day after my call to Flynn, I sat at a different lunch table than my regular, and Vane's. I was hoping to make some new best friends. I was in luck today. Two girls walked over to my table, and sat on opposite sides of me. The girl on the left said that her name was Lauren. Lauren had dirty blonde hair that reminded me of Flynn. He hair was slightly curly, and went down to her shoulders, and sky blue eyes. On my other side of me was a girl who said her name was Sabrina. Sabrina had straight dark brown hair that went down to her waist, and she had hazel eyes. The both wore a thin amount of make-up, and that made me feel bare, because I had no make-up on.

         Lauren and Sabrina were very nice to me. We started hanging out every day after school. If I had track, it would be after track. In the evenings, Vane would take me out on dates. After the dates, I would go home to my room, and cross off the days on my calendar till Flynn comes home. No, I didn't want to apologize to him, I wanted to avoid and ignore him. On weekends, there would be no Vane, only sleepovers at Sabrina's house with me, Sabrina, and Lauren.

         On a Monday after school, Vane took me out to dinner. When he brought me home, we stood outside the door, so close together that I could feel his breath. He leaned in, and kissed me softly on the lips. He turned around mumbled," Bye, Charlie," and left.

         I was shocked. No one had kissed me before. Sure, there were times when it looked like Flynn had wanted to kiss me last year, but I had pulled back. There were two main reasons why I was shocked:

         Reason#1: No one had kissed me before.

         And Reason#2: He had the nerve to kiss me!!! Right there, in front of the window where my parents ate dinner.


                                                  Vane's POV

         I kissed her! I kissed her! That was so, so stupid! I shouldn't have! I was invading her personal space. Now she might never want to go out with me, I thought. I flopped on my bed, exhausted. I had spent the entire hour with her fidgeting, deciding whether or not I should kiss her.      I

          I fell asleep, worrying.


                                                               Flynn's POV

         We were home. I should've been excited, but I wasn't. I was dreading the moment of seeing Charlie, with her two new best friends and her BOYFRIEND trailing behind her.

         My dad and I had made up a plan the night before I got home. Get two new best friends, both boys, and get a girlfriend. The word was bitter in my mouth, not wanting to kiss a girl other than Charlie. Last year, I had tried to kiss her several times, but she had always pulled back.

         Anyway, the plan was supposed to work. Charlie was supposed to see me with friends and a girl. Then she was supposed to get mad. It probably wouldn't work, but you never know.

         The one and only problem: I don't have a girlfriend or friends.


How did you like it? I also did Vane's POV, it was interersting. Anyway, I won't be able to post for a few days, I'm busy. But I'll be back. Anyway:





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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2012 ⏰

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