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"GUYS WAKE UP IM COOKING BR--" A mess of purple hair barged into the room just as the first streaks of light escaped over the skyline, only to pause and gasp dramatically.

jade eyes opened slowly to the patter of worn out converse. "nnngh...what the fuck," ash groaned and sat up, feeling a weight on his abdomen and looking down to see a fast asleep eiji using his stomach as a pillow.

Last night...

Sleepy Ash's thoughts were unfortunately cut off by Shorter running back to the room this time with his phone, excited like a young child. Before the mohawk-wearing dude could make any more noise, Ash quickly slammed his index finger against his lips to shut him up.

"Don't come in screaming at the ass-crack of dawn, man." The blond yawned with a frown, and pointed to the softly snoring Eiji. "Plus, you might wake him."

"Sorry, sorry!" Shorter grinned as he apologised. "But eiji sleeps like a log, dude! He wont get woken up by some idiot shouting about breakfast."

"the hell do you know?"

"he's fallen asleep on me a few times, remember? I was so happy and he was so cute, " Shorter gushed, his expression the embodiment of the 😭 emoji.

Ash snorted. Shorter was a pretty manly dude, but when it came to friendships he'd start acting like a girl and whine about not having any friend to hug or snuggle with. Until eiji came along, of course.

The blond tidied his messy hair and carefully slid himself out from under eiji so as to not wake him. "you're funny, shorter." he laughed at his best friend swiping through his haul of photos with more glee than a tween girl.

"set his head on the pillow," the chinese suggested. Ash complied and shifted the boy onto the pillow, gingerly stroking his ebony hair out of his relaxed face to let the invading sunlight highlight his soft contours.

By the time Shorter had finished teasing Ash, the sun was halfway up the horizon and it was time for breakfast.

"let eiji sleep in." Ash said and Shorter agreed. "let's go savour my homemade spring rolls, man." He slung an arm around ash's shoulder, and they left to enjoy obviously not burnt springrolls.

A/N this is what happened the first time eiji went out on shorter btw

A/N this is what happened the first time eiji went out on shorter btw

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"Aaah~hnn" Eiji yawned lethargically, rubbing the sleep out of his ears. Staying up for a few hours soothing and taking care of Ash had taken a little out of him, but he was happy to help ash.

The morning was caped in soft fuzzy light, miscellaneous dust particles dancing aimlessly in the sunbeams. Emerging from the hallway, he was greeted by a peaceful scene of breakfast and banter.

the morning is so calm and nice, I hope nothing violent goes down tonight. Eiji sent a relaxed smile Ash's way, catching the blond's gaze.

"good morning, Ibe-san." Eiji tiredly plopped himself onto the sofa next to his guardian.

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