Kane Makes It Personal

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Arabella's POV

I'm looking for my brother because I really need to tell him something.

"Oh sorry." I say

"Its ok. Are you ok?" Dean asks me. He knows me to well.

"Yea I'm ok." I lie to him.

"Are you sure?" He asks me

"Yea." I lie

"Ara!!" I hear

I turn to see my big brother.

"Hey I was looking for you." I tell him

"Same here." He tells me.

He sees Dean.

"Was he bothering you?" He asks me.

"No. We were just talking. I accidentally bumped into him. So calm down." I tell him

Kane is out in the ring. They see my face and they are worried.

"Ara whats wrong?" Dean asks

"Kane has been threatening me saying that he would hurt me to the point Seth cant see me anymore." I tell them

Ok let me tell you this, Dean and Roman are like my other big brothers and they are protective me since I'm the baby of the Shield.

"Why would he do that?" Dean asks me. Seth is pissed.

"I dont know." I tell him

"Can I please have the little sister of Seth Rollins to come out here please." I hear Kane

I get scared and walk to the entrance.

I nod to the person as he waits for the signal.

My brother's theme comes on as the fans scream for me since they know who my brother is.

"What Kane?" I ask. Trying to hide the fact that I'm scared to death

"I thought I told you to not tell your older brother about the threats I've been telling you." He says

"Now you have to pay the consequences." He tells me

I can see the anger in my brother.

"You will be in a ref in a match between Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, and Seth Rollins against myself, Randy Orton and Rusev." He tells me

"And its right now." He says as a ref gives me a bra and shorts.

I put on the shirt as Seth's theme comes on.

"Ara please dont get hurt." He begs me

"I cant promise you that." I tell him

He hugs me as he leds me to the ring. I stay by him. I hear Roman's theme. He comes from the ramp and with Dean.

They rush to the ring and come to me.

"Are you ok Ara?" Roman asks me

I just hug them and they hold me close.

I love them so much. I miss the Shield so much.

"Ring the bell bitch!!!" Kane yells at me

I do it out of fear.

Seth and Kane starts and Seth takes him down by kicking his leg.

"Leave my sister alone Kane!! You hear me!?" He yells.

Kane swats him away and he flys towards me

Seth's POV

"Ara!!" I yell

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